Apparently your reading skill are ass.
Apparently your reading skill are ass.
“Apparently your reading skill [sic] are ass.”
There is no “open door policy” you racist dip-shit !!!
Anyways an open door policy from the South isn’t exactly a brilliant idea.
That influx is a direct result of the gangs that run many countries that we pay to fight our War on Drugs. They come here because we prop up regimes that terrorize their own citizens doing our bidding.
Man it doesnt take much for the bigot to come out, huh?
Tell us you like the guy that babbles about brown people from shithole countries without actually admitting your a MAGAt.
You mouthbreathing dunce....
But they LOOK foreign and the names are hard to pronouce!
all this border nonsense
What does this have to do with the border? It involves two people on a flight from Miami to Vegas.
The planet’s war against billionaires is picking up steam, isn’t it time we joined it?
“One Race Films” still sounds like the Daily Stormer’s propaganda studio.
I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt, and assume the pole isn’t for strippers, but for accessing a cave where he keeps the rest of his Batman stuff.
He never was an environmentalist. Don’t be absurd. He was virtue signaling to start an electric vehicle empire - and it worked! Well, until he alienated all the people who would buy his poorly built cars by tripling down on supporting Trump and the other maga CHUD candidates.
no one with 4 private jets is an environmentalist. he also tops the list for number of private jet flights taken a year and hes in first place by a huge margin. and hes been begging the city of austin to redraw the city limits around gigatex so he can dump an unlimited amount of waste into the river here. fuck elon.
Let’s put some data into your comment: Sweden never achieved herd immunity ( only 10% of people were infected, you need something like 80%), so that’s a fail. Their death rate is higher than the US, so that’s a fail. Their death rate is 4 times higher than their neighboring countries who did put in restrictions, so…
Whoever gives you your news is an idiot.
This is some moronic trolling.