Sander Ramaekers

If Germany’s labor protections are so rife for abuse, why is the average sick day usage so much lower across the country than at this one plant?

And I thought it was bad that everyone uses CT for Elon’s toy truck.
CT is a state.
M3 is a BMW.
EM is a douche.

This isn’t about carbon emissions. It never was and won’t be. It’s about NOx, CO, and particulates.

I spent a good ten seconds wondering what the fuck the BMW M3 has to do with this topic.

Is typing out “Model” really so time consuming? Write it out once and copy paste it if it is so onerous. My god, keep it to the Tesla forums or whatever. And really, SV? My eyes rolled so far back in my head I saw my occipital lobe when I put it together you were talking about Silicon Valley.

Depending on how far out of bounds the emissions output is - yes this EXACTLY.

Same. I lost interest with the Archer Vice season. That said, I watched sporadically after that and everything I saw was pretty good. I need to give Season 5+ a go at some point.

No, you’re not as deluded as he is.  There’s a difference.

That’s because enormous wealth generates even greater wealth. Despite tanking Twitter, and destroying the Tesla brand, these (literal) billions of dollars down the tank amount to a drip in the bucket to his total holdings. He’s an idiot, and yet can’t lose enough money fast enough to put a ding into the overall wealth

If I understand Elon’s 4D chess correctly (and that’s unlikely, since I’m not nearly as smart as he is), first he will first tell them “GFY”, then sue them for not buying his cars? This is how one becomes a trillionaire? 

Pretty funny to see that Tesla is falling among republicans too.

Are we seriously not doing that anymore?”

“starting to turn on Tesla”

I know, it’s just the complete disconnect, and it used to be quieter with pointing to Soros while the Koch’s were handing out fat stacks in the background. Now they are putting the obscenely wealthy front and center while still pointing fingers at far less wealthy and powerful billionaires.

It looks stock enough. No one would ever guess what’s powering this brick.

Why do we as car people care so much about making sure RICH PEOPLE are not paying “too much”?

I mean, banks giving money to people who can’t actually pay it back was kind of a thing in the early 2000s. Clearly *you and I* learned a lesson in 2009, but the banks seem to have forgotten it, because money.

“Why would the bank let me do this?!” is a hilarious take.

Y do U haev 2 maek political for car site?

I said prove me wrong.