Sander Ramaekers

Ooh, a bird.

Leave it to a failed abortion to mention a failed premise (which isn’t even the word you’re looking for here, little turd)

Ooh, a lion. 

Very much on point for an unintelligent edgelord to use their “freedom of speech” to try and trigger people with trite bullshit they didn’t even think of themselves. 

Cope & seethe little turd.

Crawl back under your rock, IDFailure.

Dumb comment from a dumb person.

Kiwifarming loser. 

I can agree with Netanyahu very much being part of the problem, but the nakba don’t lie. Israel started its history in violence, and hasn’t stopped usurping more and more land/houses/cities since 1948. So the same way Hamas is a logical result of the history, so is Netanyahu. Becoming part of the problem, but

So what happened in 1948 according to you, zionist piece of shit? And what has been happening to Palestinians since then? And I’ll ask you the same question I asked the other zionist trollfarmer: how many Palestinian civilians have been murdered by the murder company that is Israel since 1948?

Disingenuous zionist says what?

How do the boots taste this time of year? Also, principle. As in: you lack principles. 

Feel bad for your own parents, they are most likely not very proud of you and your bad opinions. 

You are a lying piece of zionist shit, and anyone with a cursory knowledge of how to use google can see that you are. In case you’d oblige me: how many Palestinian civilians have the IDF murdered since 1948?

So they were fired for protesting, because those 19 were fired despite *not* participating in the sit-in. Fuck Google, fuck zionists. 

Thanks for clarifying. It’s not a Netanyahu problem though. It’s not a new problem either. It’s been a problem since 1948, and has only worsened. We can posit that both sides are in the wrong, but it’s only fair to also take scale into account - one side is proverbially fighting with sticks & stones, while the other

You mean the war on Palestine that started in 1948, surely? And gtfo with your bitching about black & white binary views. Casualty numbers don’t lie. If ever in our disgustingly war-riddled history there was a comparison to be made to biblical bullshit, it’s Palestine’s David versus Israel/US/UK’s Goliath.

Where does your empathy go when you compare ramming attacks with children killed by IDF rockets and bullets, Slow Jim Crow?

Hear hear. Coincidentally, have you also noticed an uptick in zionist trollfarmers on kinja?

Fascist says what?