Would love to hear their take on women being reimbursed for traveling/taking time off for breast reconstruction post-mastectomy.
Would love to hear their take on women being reimbursed for traveling/taking time off for breast reconstruction post-mastectomy.
So it’s the incels in the companies whining.
Fucking snowflakes. Something that they have no say in (women having control over their own bodies) and they still try to play the victim.
Dude they probably qualify anyway if they had to accompany a partner (or they should) but dudes get so angry at any women who have sex not with them (or sometimes also with them). Like, this isn’t helpful to any women post-menopause or women that aren’t going to get pregnant for other reasons (gay and not trying for…
Don’t a lot of these whiny little dudes play golf on Fridays all summer long? Wipe your man tears with all that extra cash you make fellas!
republican male: “This’ll teach those whores for not wanting to bang me!”
I’ll bet when it is their girlfriend/mistress that gets paid abortion travel they won’t be sniffling so much.
Once a safe, effective birth control method becomes available for men (aside from vasectomy or condoms), I’ll be sure to pitch a fit because it doesn’t impact me directly.
Perhaps these men can wipe their tears with all the extra dollars they get from the gender pay gap or they can take a boner pill that their health insurance covers as they sit at the top of the corporate food chain, surrounded by other men who look like them, while they commiserate over how downtrodden they are.
First: “My” kids???
Look, we men are very fragile, okay? If companies are going to brazenly and ethically offer to help our female coworkers, they may never need to ask our opinions at ALL! Much less seek our permissions!
We menfolk hate that.
Next there will be free tampons and pads in the restrooms. Or maybe they’re in there already, I…
It is literally part of state pride to not be from “away” - and it only seems to apply if your great-grandparents were born and raised in Maine.
Donald Trump has never changed a diaper.
Probably disownment for causing people to see weakness in his bloodline or some dumbassed reason. The dude is terrified of somehow not showing him a some kind of he-man (remember the top-gun commercials takeoffs and how vigorously he defended his images to everyone going they were utterly cornball?). Dude is just that…
I always wonder if one of DeSantis’s children is LGBTQ+, will they have to stay closeted forever?
Mannnnn. Hardcore Conservative Republicans are just weird folks.
You gotta love an attempt to humanize a horrendously robotic politician. They’re always full of these terrible anecdotes.
This is as clear an exampe of the Kinsley gaffe as you’ll ever see. By acting like DeSantis was over-exerting himself by picking up the kids while his wife was dealing with cancer it reveals the Mad Men Era lifestyle they’re leading where the wife’s life-threatening illness is more worrisome not because she may…
I lay even odds these kids go the way of Ted Cruz’s offspring in their monumental hatred of their father in the near future. They have that ‘we were told to shut the fuck up and be good little accessories verbatim’ look about them.
They probably think this will play well with the Republican crowd, where the only thing a husband is supposed to do with their kids is shout at them for hanging out with those people or arranging cash for a brief trip to Mexico for some slut who his son trapped in a room at a party.