Reclaimed Letters

Sara Gideon has lived in Maine since 2004 - 18 years before she ran against Collins in 2022. Before that she grew up in New England - Rhode Island - it’s not like she moved here from California in 2020 to “carpetbag.” She served in local politics since 2009.

So we say “developing country” now, or maybe even something different because I haven’t checked in the 20+ that I learned we had switched. It’s also racist, imperialist, and classist to use those countries as a shorthand to insult your own country’s ever-festering fascism, especially considering your government is

“legally business are people” ... that is step 1 in putting an end to this ridiculous charade. Citizen’s United ranks right up there with Dred Scott among the all-time worst decisions ever handed down from the Supremes.

“could force religious employers to provide accommodations that arise from an abortion, which could violate the free exercise of their religious beliefs.””

What a bunch of absolute staggering horseshit, even by their usual standards.  

JFC. It’s time to put this to bed once and for all. There is no such thing as a “religious employer”. And YOUR personal beliefs do not give you permission to trample the rights of other people in any way, shape or form.

I don’t get why this is even a question. If I am talking to somebody, I don’t need to know where their ancestors are from. I don’t need to know when their family first arrived in the US. If I ask where you’re “from,” it generally means where you, in particular, are from.

Am I thinking of this wrong? Making bad comparisons? Please educate me!

But it is also another form of privilege that goes unacknowledged.

White people absolutely ask other white people where we’re from, in the genealogical sense, because we often *can* trace our lineage back hundreds of years. (I have an uncle that traced our family line back to 800AD). That on its face is interesting. But it is also another form of privilege that goes unacknowledged.

This is exactly it - the problem with the question is that subconsciously or otherwise, it’s attempting to establish that one person is not really American, or is a late-comer or something along those lines. You see it even more frequently with people that appear to be Asian/East Asian/Middle-eastern. The conversation

You don’t take offense because you’re white. No one is trying to “other” you when they ask that question. That’s the difference.

Garner is giving off big “SHE’S NOT FOLLOWING THE RULES” vibes.

I absolutely, with a fucking passion, hate people asking “But where are you really from?” I was born here motherfucker, so what if I have a last name that’s not the same as all of you boring fucks. You’re not being unique when asking that, you don’t actually care, you just want to have a label to put next to ‘other’


Religion is a plague on humanity. Always has been, always will be.

Wait, does this mean I can refuse service if I see that you have a Confederate flag bumper sticker? Or you posted anti-LBGT content on your social media? Or you helped storm the capital on January 6th? These things are all against my beliefs but aren’t religious in and of themselves—therefore, not protected.

Must be catching...

The legal system being so loaded against abuse victims that the abusers can turn it around and get the victims arrested is appalling & an indication of something really systemically wrong.

Gorsuch saying “Pure fiction all.” and then... nothing?  Doesn’t lay out WHY those are not realistic scenarios? Real Susan Collins “He’s learned his lesson” energy here.

This seems troubling given they also ruled in the mail carrier case that employers must accommodate religious stuff (like not working on sundays). So claiming “deeply held” religious values = do whatever the hell you want as an employee or service provider and the government has your back? Is FSM 501c3 yet?