Reclaimed Letters

He wants this to go to a jury because he knows she will get the Amber Heard treatment and he will almost certainly prevail. Talk about vindictive.

If they had a competently written partnership agreement, which I expect they did, then she’s almost certainly in the right. He would typically have first right of refusal, probably with some pre-agreed valuation method, and if he didn’t execute it within a given time period then she could sell elsewhere.  And if he

Perfect username for this post! I completely agree. But for some reason the part that really has me sputtering is his whine about how this was supposed to be an *investment for their children.* A) those kids are gonna be fine, financially anyway; she could’ve left the winery as a tip to her favorite bartender and that

If I knew about the wine sale at the time then how in the hell did he not know. If I remember correctly his team tried to stop the sale and couldn’t. It also came out the Brad ran the winery in to the grounds with silly business decisions like having the staircase in the mansion remade multiple times.

This abusive dude needs to leave Angelina and the kids alone. It is well documented at this point that Jolie was going to sell him her share until he ghosted her and neither he or his team would would bother with the sale. So she sold her share legally. He has repeatedly lost in court but is determined to DARVO when

Here's another anecdote. Six years ago, I became extremely physically ill. I threw up many times a day. Lost 80 pounds in a month or two and very nearly died. It git a little better but I had really intense nausea daily for six years solid. I tried everything. Took every test. Was diagnosed with extreme anxiety. I got

This bans gender affirming care for kids that have had cancer and don’t want to go through menopause, cis boys that want a breast reduction etc.

This is all just so horrifically cruel, exhausting and sad.

I’ve read so many accounts of trans children who were miserable, acting out, suffering, etc., while being forced to live as a gender they didn’t identify with, and who when allowed to transition are suddenly ordinary, happy children. I’ve read so many accounts of trans adults who were not allowed/able to

And fuck Jezebel for their bizarrely neutral reporting during the trial, only jumping on the Depp-hate bandwagon after the fact for clicks. I checked this site EVERY day that month for an actually feminist take on the trial, but literally nowhere on this site could I find one. Amber deserved better, especially from

This fucking asshole owes this “comeback” to the woman, 21 years his junior, he abused, tortured, and bullied for years.

I wish. I grew up around white people who called themselves “leftists” and the minute they had to give up even the tiniest bit of privilege, suddenly THE LEFT HAD GONE TOO FAR. 

Just how tiny is your dick?

Leana Wen pulled similar shit at the PPA headquarters, but the Washington Post gave her a platform to spew her verbal diarrhea. I'm shocked at the amnesia over that two-faced weasel. 

Well, I’d think given his unhinged propensity to spew all the old ‘witch hunt’ hits anytime he’s got a captive MAGA audience, she’ll be a pending billionaire in no time, because his delusional sociopathic and narcissistic mentality just won’t allow him to simply STFU. It would be an odd way to make the Forbes list,

He’s free to run up the score. Also, the judge knows there’s zero percent chance he’d shut up even if he were ordered to, and we must at least preserve an illusion that court orders matter. :)

set up a gofundme!!!!!!!

the second best part was when he admitted he took the documents b/c he wanted them, he was there & he took them & he knew it.  let’s think about how that’s going to come back to bite him in the ass.

Her? Never heard of her. But I know her husband, who I'm in that pictures with, and I know his story, known him a long time. And I know her pet name for him, which she only ever called him in private. That's why you've never heard about it. And I know her dog's name. He's adorable. But yeah, no idea who you're talking

Lol, defamation suit 2.0 in 3...2...1...