Its not just French actors.
Its not just French actors.
I feel like you could’ve written this article without holding the US up as being that much further ahead than Europe in holding abusers accountable.
Dems not holding her accountable and saying she needs to resign immediately is just another tick in the box for “why Dems are so goddamn shitty at actually winning in government despite being the better of the two parties”
Repubs would gladly drive over her in a monster truck with their own children if it meant they…
I love this quote from a woman in Ireland: “Just because he has put some money into West Clare does not entitle him to come over here and be treated like a demi-God. It is time for Irish people to stand up and say we don’t like this man. He causes division wherever he goes. He is not a nice man.”
If Ms. Carroll wins her case against Trump, can journalists (or anyone else for that matter) from that point forward start every paragraph a/o sentence with, “Today rapist Donald Trump said....”? Inquiring minds want to know.
There is a legal term: “mens rea” which is latin for guilty mind or generally the awareness that the person knew at the time his/her actions were wrong. The proof of mens rea in this case is that he knew enough to disclose most gifts from most friends/benefactors, but was clearly avoiding disclosing similar but much…
how delicious would that be?????? c’mon, donald, go for it!
All that grunting you hear is from Thomas’ defenders moving the goal posts again. Not that they even need to, since Thomas and Ginny the seditious MAGA psycho are untouchable in our current system.
Dear Trump: Do it! Please, sink your defense even further with your nonsensical rants by telling the jury something stupid like, “I wouldn’t rape her with a 10-foot pole!”
“Antifa Pizza Basement” is going to be the name of the next Guided By Voices single. I’ve got a dollar on it.
Oh absolutely. I’m not even talking about him testifying - him just being at the table, or even in the courtroom, or hell even in the courthouse at all, will make things worse. He would find a way.
If he testified, he would perjure himself immediately. The man cannot say a single truthful sentence about anything without lying.
I’ll bet Tacopina knows very well that the worst possible thing for this trial, and him, is if his client shows up.
None of this matters so long as Republicans hold any sort of lever of power. You can have an HD video of Clarence Thomas fucking a donkey and they’ll still close ranks and protect him, because that’s what they do. And every time Democrats are in charge they do fuck all to fix these things except in-fight, eat their…
Imagine skipping your own civil rape trial to go golfing...
Mark Paoletta genuinely tried to argue the kid wasn't technically a dependent so it didn't count. Cool! So we can check their tax returns to make sure?
“Harlan Crow has long been passionate about the importance of quality education and giving back to those less fortunate, especially at-risk youth.”
“Justice” Roberts: Why does everyone think the Supreme Court is corrupt?
Yeah well that’s ok because... Hunter Biden... laptop penis...antifa pizza basement.