Reclaimed Letters

Think of where the nexus is between the importance of birth control and the right’s resurgent interest in bringing back child labor, and consider what that means for your uterus.

Ayn Rand herself couldn’t have created a more poorly written parody of a libertarian hero than Elon Musk. No wonder so many incels, toxic nerds, and Conservative shitheads love him. That’s the American dream, right there. A billionaire darling of the anti-government, anti-journalist community who can simply purchase a

“Well, in the past we could rely upon simple limbic system rewards in order to procreate. But once you have birth control and abortions and what not, now you can still satisfy the limbic instinct but not procreate,” he said. “So, we haven’t yet evolved to deal with that because it’s all fairly recent in the last 50

“The urge to have sex and procreate is after breeding the most basic urge—how has it been subverted?”

Believe it or not, guns aren’t allowed to be carried at NRA conferences. They even have checkpoints with metal detectors. Kind of blows that whole “more guns = more safety” argument out of the water.

The real irony is that attendees aren’t allowed to carry guns are in the venues at NRA conventions. Them things is dangerous and some speaker or NRA official might get hurt.

But if hurricanes and violent storms are God’s righteous vengeance for “woke”, wouldn’t Blue and purple states be getting massively hammered rather than the Red southeastern US?

From your headline, I thought there was a mass shooting at the NRA conference. That would be irony.

From your headline, I thought there was a mass shooting at the NRA conference. That would be irony.

Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and just assume that the Devil’s Lettuce causes people to go on rampages through elementary schools. If someone on a Mary Jane induced Psychotic Break doesn’t have access to a gun, then, you know, elementary schools don’t get shot up. At most the local 7-11 is going to sell more

“I don’t think that the GOP has ever done any drugs.  Probably because nobody ever offered them any.”

That’s nothing. I drank a bunch of Bud light last night, and now I can't even drum up the energy to take my children to Walmart to get their "Second Sunday of Easter" guns. Guess they'll just have to miss out this year. 

“Common psychiatric drugs and marijuana are causing psychotic breaks that lead to these shootings...”

Going after weed? You know what passes by landslides in red states? Decriminalizing weed. The stupidity, it burns.

Why am I not surprised that incels and other misogynists are scared of women superheroes.

Same. I’ll be drinking a Bud/Jack Daniels combo while watching, just to spiritually crush a few more incel snowflakes.

People commenting like “Stop feeding the trolls! Don’t report on them and they’ll go away!”

Republican strategists “say they are advising their candidates to talk as little as possible about GOP abortion proposals at this time.

Which is why we ask them the hard questions at town halls, we loudly protest against their draconian beliefs, we run them out of restaurants they dine at, and we make them talk about

Honestly, movie looks like a lot of fun. Inter-generational superhero road-trip? Totally on board. Just don’t bog down the third act with a half dozen tee-ups for future MCU projects and it’ll be a good popcorn flick.

I will watch anything Marvel (hi Dolph Lundgren Punisher!) so I might not be a neutral critic but Ms. Marvel was great. Combining her with the other two Marvels, also great, will equal triple greatness.