I’m assuming that Clint Eastwood talking to an empty chair was more insightful and less full of preening, lying, sociopaths.
I’m assuming that Clint Eastwood talking to an empty chair was more insightful and less full of preening, lying, sociopaths.
It’s weird to think all of these things should be related. Like if a big business tries something and it doesn’t work you fire the people who were hired to do that thing unless you have something else interesting for them to do.
It’s almost as if mass layoffs serve the purpose of worker discipline more than any cost cutting measures.
If you break down the costs it’s like $60 million for one episode of Rings of Power and people complained how Amazon didn’t get their money’s worth. Well, at least they got *something* instead of spending $60 million on literally nothing. lol But yeah, all of this is peanuts to Amazon’s real business.
That’s about 400 people at $50K a year salary, for an estimate.
One would think the deal would have a timeline. She’s gonna have to start producing some content soon or they could likely sue her.
Some of Amazon’s deals make me wonder if the driving force behind them was Jeff Bezos’ eagerness to be a Big Media Mogul guy and have a bunch of Hollywood folks lining up to kiss his ass for a production deal. Guy clearly loves the red carpet treatment.
With all the Amazon layoffs, how many could this have saved? $20mill a year seems like a lot of people.
Remember, financial assistance for abortion is available regardless of where you live or how far you have to travel. Funds that serve Iowa are the Iowa Abortion Access Fund and the Midwest Action Collation. Find them and other local/regional abortion funds at National Network of Abortion Funds: https://abortionfunds.or…
I mean if the GOP in general really cared about stopping abortions would have been supporting better available of free and low cost things like condoms, birth control, and the plan b pills. Since those all lower the chances of unwanted pregnancy.
I don’t have the energy for nuanced conversations on this topic anymore, so I’ll just say: AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! FUCK THIS!!!
Must be nice to tell a Black woman how she *really* feels instead of listening to what she said.
Clearly not talking about Miss Reese. Talking about the knucklehead who wrote this story. Not her business to tell people whether their apology is good enough. Only Miss Reese can say that.
Yeah, those sports physicals basically take a medical history, check for scoliosis, and listen to your heart and lungs. They basically check to make sure you don’t have a heart/lung condition that might cause you to drop dead during physical activity. Everybody keeps their clothes on. Absolutely no parent should allow…
Eww, no. Jill was wrong. This wasn’t a Kumbaya moment for both teams. This was a moment for a young black women to feel protected by acknowledgement of the racism towards her and celebrated for her team’s incredible accomplishment. Jill inviting both teams, putting the losing team on the same level as the winning team…
That’s the whole point of apologies, that the person you are apologizing to gets to decide whether you’ve earned their forgiveness. You can’t just say “I sowwy :(“ and demand the wronged party forgive and forget.
Except Jill was Second Lady for eight years. She’s not a random English composition professor. She knew the drill on who gets to go to the White House.
“...obviously meant well but totally stepped in it...” the Biden way...
I also can’t help but wonder in this super litigious society we find ourselves in if lawsuits would end up being filed against teachers if students still died despite the teachers being armed, or if the teacher accidentally hit a student instead of the shooter because they’re a teacher and not a damn soldier.