Reclaimed Letters

Between this movie and Apple pushing me to watch the Tetris origin story, who fucking cares? These companies exist to make as much money as possible by spending as little as possible; their origin story is going to be identical to each other. The only interesting stories are about companies and people who failed like

Okay, but as a gay cis dude, I do think it was homophobic, and plenty of other queer folk do too.

Guess sidelining the Black Woman behind the Jordan is an interesting way to go?!!

“making this too costly to happen again is likely the only thing that will move the needle here.”

Gun companies are immune from suit—thank Congress circa 2005 when they passed the “Pursuit of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act”. So even assuming she could find an attorney to file it, the case would get dismissed in the pleading stage.

I hope this woman gets a dump truck full of money for having to endure this bullshit. I’d love to think those parents would be stripped of their firearms, but we know that’s not going to happen.

Wait until they find out that AB InBev is a European company and no longer American....

I told my grade school teacher wife about the Reese/Clark controversy, and her take on Biden’s statement is that, in good teacher fashion, she just wants to smooth over the conflict.

did he shoot cans when his very american beer was bought out by a belgium multinational company in 2008?

So, what’s it like to be completely stupid?

I hope he doesn’t find out trans people also breathe air, so he can protest with a plastic bag over his head.

Due diligence on the subject could have also avoided the headline for the article itself since they said they weren’t going to do the traditional mug shot/fingerprinting for him when he surrenders.

His lawyer worries about a circus atmosphere in the court room when we all know this motherfucker would be riding to court on the back of a MAGA-adorned elephant if the Secret Service let him.

First, the media will never learn and fall for his attention seeking circus sideshow every single fucking time.

We sent Martha Stewart to prison for some small-time insider trading. We can surely put this MF away for a while for his many much worse crimes.

in that case, a murder suspect was actually leading cops on a high-speed car chase

And Maggie Haberman will be front and center getting her access journalism. Then when we all realize it was a bad idea, she'll write another book about how everyone else but her was wrong 

And the frustrating part is that the media will give it to him. The best thing to happen is if they simply reported he was arraigned and that was all. But no they’ll be easily baited into giving him the circus he wants to which there will be much handwringing over later as to why that was a bad idea in the first

Yep, just as I expected. He wants to create all the drama, and attention he can get. Like an emotional vampire, he needs that constant fix. *eyeroll*

Actually, “they” can only do this to you if you commit crimes.