Well then take a gander at her left winger if the right one bothers you so much. I mean it's a little strange because usually they're a pair but whatever floats your boat.
Well then take a gander at her left winger if the right one bothers you so much. I mean it's a little strange because usually they're a pair but whatever floats your boat.
This site regularly criticizes C-suite executives of gaming companies, and this article is explicitly about female journalists and developers. That’s the text of this article. Representation in this context refers to the gaming news desks that cover games and the development teams whose labor produces the games we all…
Imagine being such an asshole that you need to a mod to remove a choice for you and only you that you weren’t going to make anyway just to make yourself feel better.
So Sony has a streaming service & this is a streaming device, but you can't use it with the service, despite it having all the necessary hardware. This seems like something they will teach in business classes in the future.
We should just call it “The Social Media Service formerly known as Twitter”, just to be especially petty.
They were never upset with her because they genuinely thought she was scamming anyone; they were upset that she’s a woman doing her own thing successfully.
Hey Kotaku, Luke, Patricia, et al.
Just a note, there are 32 more courses still on the way, not 24.
She has never promoted her stuff to children. Children may discover and watch her stuff, sure, but the same can be said about literally any adult content. This is a stupid viewpoint.
If getting off to hot girls older than you while under 18 makes the women pedos than I turned a lot of women in to pedos in the late 90s....oops.
Just a quick browse down the comments here and it looks like this is far from just a G4 problem. Holy shit.
None of that power on screen came for free, none of it.
“Well, turning to the news of the week, some interesting developments to say the least. John, what do you reckon?”
Good for Microsoft. Personally I’ve found the Xbox libraries lacking the last gen or two, but I am impressed with how they’ve been doing the slow march towards this kind of cross-device, console-less ecosystem, no doubt driven on by a few internal champions thinking long-term rather than short-term.
“where one executive issues an impassioned selfishly motivated plea for marketplace reform more profits for EPIC, which is beholding to Apple to get onto an app store so they can bleed kids’ parents for money on questionable products that are called gambling in countries outside of the USA, fine-tuned to exploit…
I’ll never get over that a sizable portion of men on the internet who love nerdy shit and are blunt about their opinions see this woman who loves nerdy shit and is blunt about her opinions and instead of recognizing a fellow traveler decide to try and destroy her instead.
“I’m not racist… I don’t care what color or what religion anyone is,” she continued. “Are you a nice person? That’s what I judge you on.”
No doubt, this will be an unpopular opinion but here goes: