
This movie needs to hurry up!

How many times have sportscasters uttered a banal sentiment about “honoring our troops?” There’s a political calculus under that statement that never gets examined but that’s an endorsement of a political viewpoint. (And might even be a paid promotion.)

Well there’s little chance Vader will pursue them to that beach on the cover. He hates sand. It’s coarse and rough and just gets everywhere.

Yeah, he wasn’t evil at all in the prequels

I’m surprised Bastion didn’t get PotG in the end.

What if Leto gets so deep into the role that his mind cracks under the strain of all that method acting and he starts believing that he really is the Joker, and begins committing violent, absurd, elaborate capers?

I have not seen a film that looks crappy, based on trailers, get as much vitriol as this one. So yes, it makes people wonder about the motivation behind all the crap.

but the fact that you go out of the way to make it a remake that is almost an excact copy of the original only you change the genders of the 5 leads?

The hate leveled against it on this website has been solely because it looks awful. It’s got nothing to do with the women cast.

It’s misogyny. It’s getting tons of special hate that even other remakes can’t come close to, but most of these guys aren’t going to admit it to themselves. If it gets good reviews they’re just gonna whine about biased reviewers or some shit.

Ah, a Draymond Green cameo.

The fuck did I just watch?

huh. the famous because-I-say-so drug.

What an interesting coffee table you’ve got, T’Challa!


I’m sure they’ll only be different for the first few episodes until Barry goes back and stops himself from stopping Reverse Flash. He’ll spend a couple episodes getting the band back together, then — my guess — return to the evening at the end of season 2, with no one aware of any passage of time.

But by season 4 I

it could always be worse