
@floobie: Symbian isn't just horrible. It's abysmal too!

Oh, Nokia.

@A.Jaswal: You and the other six people that bought a Zune must be very upset about updates to something you don't own.

@Settings: Not anymore; iTunes (for music, at least) doesn't use DRM anymore. And you could always burn playlists to CD, even when they did use DRM on music.

"Bands like Radiohead have further complicated the situation by giving their music away"

@Standish: Steve Jobs told it to do this, to improve the iPad's viewing angle (somehow).

"Let go of the past and wise up"

@Jimmy1: A traffic violation. I think it was speeding.

@Ozzie, The Last Hairbender:

@Stem_Sell: 99 helium balloons, floating in the summer sky..

@Channan: I thought it was just me. I hated using my 3GS in a case, too. I didn't like putting my pre-iPhone Nokia smartphones in cases either.

This seems a little pointless.

@pjcard: Do you just rest smartphones and tablets on your hands rather than actually gripping them? That's the only way I can think of, other than somehow 'sandwiching' a device between both your hands.

@owen.c93: Some of the UI elements are slightly bigger, although that's kind of lost on the relatively low-resolution displays of tablets. It's still terrible for touch screens, as is Mac OS X and desktop Linux.

@pjcard: Measure your phone. Check what size a tablet is.

@Dezerus Richardson: Ironically, the iPad could be considered a games console. There are a pretty large number of games available, and people do buy iDevices for games.

@Hermith: Everyone knows. Nobody cares.

@reddyroc: And it's the Indian, and Chinese, influence that made Britain like tea in the first place. Hell, a lot of teas originate in India.