
Agree. Commercials pick up at different points and Lost in Space is also heard a couple different times. The aimless channel flipping is part of what made it so annoying to Elizabeth.

The women were a blonde, a brunette and a redhead, nice touch for the buffet metaphor.

There is only one outcome to the reboot cliffhanger that won't result in the reruns of the show being pulled from the religious heritage channels where it has been running since leaving WB/CW. Knowing what does and doesn't happen during insufferable Rory's post-Yale life really colors re-watches of the series.

Who didn't see the end coming at the start of their conversation about her online piece? The only surprise was that Chuck tried to flatter Hannah into a hand job, not a blow job.

Movies & Mysteries goes to all xmas, all the time, well before xmas. This year it was all xmas for at least 2.5 months. If it were just marathons close to the actual holiday, would be understandable. Between October and Jan. 3 there are several cable channels that are in continuous "holiday" programming, Halloween

I'm glad this TV movie strategy works for Hallmark the company, but I can't stand the way they and other cable channels have gone all-in on xmas programming, blowing out the entire schedule starting in October and continuing right through the new year. I used to watch some of the mystery series reruns on Hallmark

I used to watch the Westminster Kennel Club dog show every year without fail, but unfortunately will have to give it a miss from now on because it's on Fox.

What is the opposite term? What is the opposite of "poor little snowflake" or "precious snowflake"?

I would argue just the opposite re. Richard and Emily. Richard wanted to live his life as he knew it—get up every day, put on a suit, go to his office, do his work. Emily was the one who lived and died by how she and the family were perceived by others—that's why Lorelei's teen pregnancy was such a traumatic event for

Very telling that Rory *excelled* at the party planning and organizing when she was in the DAR—just as Lorelei was successful in the hospitality business. They both learned or rather, absorbed by osmosis, from the master, Emily Gilmore.

It's okay—the Boomers are going to fuck over both Gen X and the Millennials by standing by and letting the GOP Congress destroy Obamacare AND Medicare. Older Boomers who "got theirs" will pull the ladder up after them (see also: rent control). Younger Boomers and Gen X will never be able to retire because health

"is and forever" is right. you cannot un-ring the bell.

Completely agree about the questions. It's like the writers haven't watched the 70s version of the show. Many questions have a set-up that is too long, and a [blank] that doesn't lead to either a truly funny obvious answer or a risque answer—many 70s era questions could be either/or, which is what made the answer

Yes: Monday through Wednesday before the meal break which included alcohol, Thursday-Friday after the break.

Yes, but Martha may yet turn out to be pregnant—remember, she and Clark did it at the safe house without a condom on Chekhov's Penis.

Sha Na Na formed in 1969 and they performed at Woodstock. Their TV show came later, but they (and nostalgia for the 50s) were already around right at the start of the 70s. There were a number of simultaneous strains of interest in "the past" underway in the late 60s-early 70s—art deco/twenties/thirties as well as

American Graffiti soundtrack was 1973. Grease the stage show was 1971. Big national magazine articles about nostalgia were published throughout the early 70s—LIFE magazine's cover story was early 1971. Nostalgia was happening in the culture long before 1975.

I actually found the "Aquarius" soundtrack to be really distracting—a new song for every scene, and no song excerpt longer than 30 seconds, which was probably an economy measure as I believe background excerpts cost less to license than performances of the full song. There ought to be a happy medium somewhere between