
I made the light wall from Stranger Things

This is stupid. The court has already said the pipeline can move forward. What is Clinton supposed to do? Take a stand against the court? Ask protesters to violate the law because they don’t like the ruling?

He definitely got reich what he deserved...

Campisi’s!! One of my fav spots. I don’t go home to Dallas very often anymore but I always crave it.

Too soon.

Did you know that’s the first time an NBA team has blown a 3-1 lead in the NBA Finals basketball game series?

Extra evil stormtrooper with spinning blades? Somehow I’m imagining a scene like this one.

Typical man, no sense of humor.

Oh, and can we TAWK about World War II? Nothing good ever came of it, I tellya.

I looked it up, and the current CEO of The Man Group (which, yes, was founded by James “Man” [probably a criminal alias, COME ON]) is named...

See? That’s what you get when you don’t give us our way. Our menstrual cycles can sink stock markets from the voting booth.

I don’t see many surnames ending with WOMAN. Sexist!


that is accurate, so none of us have pockets in this scenario

You’re just trying is a joke that really missed the mark, right?

Nice URL there buddy. Rolls right off the tongue.

Better question:

Because you could look out your window and feel even richer.

It’s fun to watch people say that employers should deal with individual snowflakeness.