“Pfft, amateur.”
“Pfft, amateur.”
Absolutely. And I tend to think that if they had the database, they could have done more damage than just altering some posts and posting a new post under a writer’s byline.
Now that’s cold. xD
That space person sounds like a cool cat to hang out with. :D
“Next thing you know, they’ll want to get rid of the qwerty!”
Not to mention the sheer impossibility of doing a fantasy theme park with another fictional brand—the rights alone would be a nightmare.
The War On Space.
Would have watched.
Ok, I’m pushing the Alt button. Now I’m pushing the F4 butt
I totally took it for an Of Mice and Men reference. I haven’t seen Grapes of Wrath.
Of Mice and Men. ;)
I always preferred a bastard sword, but I can see how you would make that mistake honestly.
2025: Three term President Trump congratulates retiring New New York Met Tim Tebow on his fifth consecutive World Series MVP award by nominating him to the Supreme Court just in time to provide an insurance vote against a suit to close the migrant detention centers located in former National Parks that were returned…
This is the darkest timeline
Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base
Hey, don’t pick on Ricky Williams.
I heard he made a sex tape.
Nicholas Sparks movies have 149% more ghosts & sweater related taunts.
yas cheese
I researched sniffles last night and he could have a brain mass, cystic fibrosis, a drug problem, the flu, a cold or allergies. He really should see a doctor.