
I don’t know why this $35 1.62 oz bottle of Vetiver-scented deodorant is the only deodorant your otherwise unfussy boyfriend will use, but it is, so why not make him happy? (Aesop, $35)

Well, maybe. When similar revelations came out, it dinked his poll numbers pretty good. As much as the election was about systemic issues, right up until a week before, Clinton was polling signifigantly better than she was going into election day. The FBI investigation news may not have cost her the election by

You see the beginnings of this even in the schoolyard, with affirmations like, “Girls rule and boys drool.”

Someone once wrote this about the “moral panic” over Flakka:

I am losing hope that one of the Duggar kids is going to escape.

I’m sure I will enjoy this movie.

The thing about climbing up on a small cross like that one is that you wind up with a stick up your butt.

I wouldn’t be shocked in the least if they had discussed this with them beforehand.

Does everyone remember when the Joker says in The Dark Knight:

What are the odds that Trump puts this guy in charge of Title IX compliance?

I’m not sure the answer to Trump is really found in purifying the party and going with an even more progressive platform though. I’m not sure how much the platform actually matters.


You lost the election by a relative handful of votes, and the answer some people have posted here “We should have been more truly progressive!”

Most of the foods in her can be combined together in some way, shape or form, bananas and lettuce wouldn’t taste good but it wouldn’t be gross, but bananas and mayo?

While I just want them to decompress, shoot the shit, and maybe get to know each other a bit more deeply than workday pleasantries can allow, people definitely get worried about navigating the politics properly.

They don’t happen at a complete distance for me either and I think it’s actually a good thing that you can’t get that distance. That lack of distance is what often times compels people to do truly self-sacrificial things for others.

It’s really hilarious. I work in the financial sector, and the number of guys, even really sharp guys who have worked on Wall Street, who are conflating being good at discounting a cashflow with understanding the federal budget picture and how it works is mind boggling.

that balance is very true, as i believe that these better times and better places have made us humans better at a variety of things, and one of those things is predation.

Well, you read a story like this and it’s hard to blame you. I think at the very least men should be willing to concede that women shouldn’t feel like they have to put themselves in a position where they will be more vulnerable.

Using hypnosis on vulnerable women who have put you in a position of trust.