
You lost the election by a relative handful of votes, and the answer some people have posted here “We should have been more truly progressive!”

Most of the foods in her can be combined together in some way, shape or form, bananas and lettuce wouldn’t taste good but it wouldn’t be gross, but bananas and mayo?

While I just want them to decompress, shoot the shit, and maybe get to know each other a bit more deeply than workday pleasantries can allow, people definitely get worried about navigating the politics properly.

They don’t happen at a complete distance for me either and I think it’s actually a good thing that you can’t get that distance. That lack of distance is what often times compels people to do truly self-sacrificial things for others.

It’s really hilarious. I work in the financial sector, and the number of guys, even really sharp guys who have worked on Wall Street, who are conflating being good at discounting a cashflow with understanding the federal budget picture and how it works is mind boggling.

that balance is very true, as i believe that these better times and better places have made us humans better at a variety of things, and one of those things is predation.

Well, you read a story like this and it’s hard to blame you. I think at the very least men should be willing to concede that women shouldn’t feel like they have to put themselves in a position where they will be more vulnerable.

Using hypnosis on vulnerable women who have put you in a position of trust.

Take a breather from the news. This sort of shit, and far worse, has happened as long as humans have had the capacity for cognition.

As with all sins, if you would just do what God wants, which is to always be pregnant or giving birth, then you wouldn’t have to suffer from the consequences, which in this case is menstruation.

This really shouldn’t be shocking.

but the rest of the increase would have to come through taxed economic growth or other federal programs—or both. In the latter case, he’ll have to sell two arguments—why defense spending needs to be increased, and why it should be at the expense of other federal spending.

Because predicting votes that precisely, and then layering in the electoral college dynamics to determine who wins in a very binary outcome (Trump or Clinton winning) is never going to be able to be truly perfected. That’s why it’s a model, not a freaking crystal ball. It looks like the pollsters were disastrously

That photo was supposed to be a gif of Offerman not being able to keep a straight face.

Where do you think we are?

Yeah, all the old people laughed at the Beatles too.

Concerns over people creating an echo chamber on Twitter are overblown especially when compared to how terrible online harrassment is.

I wonder if she would ever consider adoption instead.

What are you talking about?
