As a Black woman, let me tell you firsthand that yes, my actions, whether they are reasonable or not, are absolutely perceived differently than those of a white man.
As a Black woman, let me tell you firsthand that yes, my actions, whether they are reasonable or not, are absolutely perceived differently than those of a white man.
I mean, all of those attributes you listed as differentiating him would seem to make it more likely that his career wouldn’t fall apart, not less, and yet once his unhinged crazy pants self became public knowledge, it still did.
She seems about on par in terms of her unhingedness as Mel Gibson. Once Gibson’s worst tendencies became public knowledge, he definitely fell off the face of the planet career wise.
Well, maybe not, but people don’t like it when you outright assert with certainty that how they approach the world is driven by rank tribalism.
Nope, I am calibrating for that.
Well, I think when you view the entirety of the situation, the whole spitting thing may just not register that much with someone who just watched another person fly off the handle, pick up a glass and threaten to cut someone with it.
I mean, someone pointed out that he sort of specifically calls out women here, which is sort of true in one sense, but I also don’t think that’s the part where you would say he’s potentially patronizing Banks, which would the parts where he talks about helping her.
Well, you might need to, but I’m not shocked that some other people did not, either.
Well, you could interpret the parts where he says “I was trying to protect her” as patronizing, if you choose to believe that those things he did were things she didn’t need.
it’s doubtful she needed or asked for his protection or his prayers.
So what you’re saying is that the EPA is bullshitting us when the EPA says that the EPA fucked up?
Errrrr ...
Well, if you’re keeping score at home, then you would see that this article is about a federal regulator acknowledging that it too could have done more.
I dunno. I read this as them saying that the blame shifting they did earlier doesn’t change the fact that they should have raised more of a ruckus earlier.
That’s not a politically viable option in 2016 and it won’t be any time soon so we have to work within the law that’s passed.
My Chainsmoker Arc:
If he’s smart, he’ll just be ready to downplay his off-the-cuff failure as him doing a Michael Scott impersonation.
This guy gets it.
Well, economics is the dismal science and political science is it’s inbred half cousin who is also pretty dismal, so when you have to blend the two together in order to discuss workable policy outcomes that can have a positive effect, the results will rarely be pretty and will almost never represent what anyone, left…