Right? Just ... wow. It’s really something that even just a fear of getting caught doing something that even someone as fucked up as him would know is horrifically wrong didn’t ever seem to make him more careful.
Right? Just ... wow. It’s really something that even just a fear of getting caught doing something that even someone as fucked up as him would know is horrifically wrong didn’t ever seem to make him more careful.
Per the linked article she was both “troubled” and that rape fantasies were a topic of conversation he brought up apparently.
Meh, fuck Arlington.
I mean, the income would be a problem, but I think the bigger issue might be making it through 4 years and getting the slip of paper at the end that says you’re smart enough to earn said slip of paper.
Ehh.... not sure that’s a viable option here.
The last thing I want to do is go “inside Bristol Palin’s whirlwind year.” [E! Online]
While I personally chuckled at “Cheeto Voldemort” I sort of think that’s not the smartest protest tactic.
Look at those wholesome family values.
Two may involve a serious mistake. But three lies says you’re dealing with a liar, and deceit is the linchpin of conscienceless behavior.
Are you saying she’s bipolar because this is a known piece of information or are you just interpreting that from her actions?
Is she though?
and SHE is also known for being a little unstable.
Go home Azealia you’re ... Azealia.
What percentage of pop music fans does Serena Williams being friends with Taylor Swift not compute at all with?
And yet she’s also not the cause of this racial violence. It’s funny how that works.
That’s a fair point, though setting aside a referendum would be a total disaster that would result in a much worse outcome, namely many more British people than were already in favor of Brexit getting pissed that Parliament is setting aside a referendum.
Yeah, that’s where the disconnect in this thread is.
It’s maybe not fair to put a picture of Theresa May up there.
Trump trolls need to stop confusing womanizing, which is slimey towards your wife but isn’t sexual assault, with sexual assault, which, you know, is sexual assault.
I hear all that and definitely agree that it is worse for society if women don’t come forward.