I’m submitting this piece for a Pulitzer.
I’m submitting this piece for a Pulitzer.
Good call. There is always need for empathy, and we shouldn’t ever respond to someone (like these staffers) who clearly need help by mocking them. Also as you stated, there’s no way for regularly viewing graphic real-world violence or gore to not have an impact on a human being; its possible that these folks didn't…
When people talk about millenials feel entitled, I roll my eyes, and then go, “Wait” and think of gamers.
You’re adorable.
I know we are not the first group of people to take a hurtful and negative word and make it our own, and through that ownership find solidarity and strength. But I would caution you to remember the origins of that word, the original meaning and intent behind it, and to have some empathy and sensitivity towards those…
For the anti-Sanders people, quit fighting a war on two fronts. You are still trying to take on Sanders and Trump. The 2016 primary elections are over. The more you rip on Sanders, the less likely his people are going to be on your side moving forward. Sanders people have far more in common politically with the…
And they seem to forget, in their blind hate of all things Hillary, that he LOST. Without even arguing whether she was a good candidate or not, he lost to the woman that was so “horrible”. Like, he wasn’t even good enough then to be considered the better choice when the people were given a choice.
I am so sorry that you had to see this vicious comment. Thank you for the story it was enlightening and enraging to realize that a woman in New York! had to fly somewhere else to terminate a non viable baby. I wish I could give you a hug this was so clearly a hard experience for you. I too was furious with the…
the woman literally emailed me right after the story went up to say “i’m glad you told that commenter to fuck off”
fuck off
Are we sure this wasn’t a false flag by the feminazis to make the GGers look bad? GGers have never harassed anyone. It’s about the ethics in gaming journalism, not misogyny.
Redditor Vernm51’s parents couldn’t find a copy of Pokemon HeartGold for the DS locally for Christmas, so they…
Be fair, you didn’t expect that.
Oh you mean like how certain “sections” of gamergate have bullied developers, groups and organizations to change what they do for their righteous cause? Yeah your opinion doesn’t sound hypocritical at all...Hmmmm.
Don’t worry, fourteen years from now (following a sale to GarBox Software and Randy Pitchfork) we’ll finally see a release of the fabled vaporware “BloodDeath Forever”!
This means that Death Blood5 will not be made by Kojima and Del Toro? sad....
This is completely unrealistic. Promotional t-shirts are never given away at any size above 2XL. As a professional fat dude, I’m well aware of this.
Also, I’m sad that BloodD3ath got cancelled. We’ll never see De4thBlood, now.
I think the worst thing about it is the denial of harassment by so many GG’ers.
Regardless of what the original intention may have been, there is zero respect left in the world for ‘GamerGaters’.
If they really are so worried about ‘ethics’, we would be seeing different groups emerge from the mess that is GG. Instead,…