Biscuit is actually something that is cooked twice from the French cuire, so a biscuit should be crunchy...
Biscuit is actually something that is cooked twice from the French cuire, so a biscuit should be crunchy...
I work in Paris, in the 13th and previously in the 8th and I am gobsmacked by how all foreigners see this city. It is smelly and dirty and diverse and beautiful, there are beggars and thieves and sweet little old ladies and kids on their way to school, it is the archetype of any large city in Europe, I see the same in…
Gros con!
When I was seven my mother told me in detail how she tried to get rid of me when she found out she was pregnant, including the various ways she had attempted to miscarry (drinking gin in the bath, throwing herself down the stairs etc). She also told me and my brothers on a regular basis that she only had kids so she…