There are many things one could criticize Teigen for, but throwing a party themed around the biggest television show of the year is not one of them.
There are many things one could criticize Teigen for, but throwing a party themed around the biggest television show of the year is not one of them.
I was thinking the same thing - Gevinson is full of shit here. Kloss can’t make them do anything, and we have no idea what the relationship between her husband and his brother is like (given the shit that Jared Kushner’s dad got up to, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s not a lot of love lost). All she can do is take…
I call horseshit on Gevinson’s “sick burn.” I don’t have any strong feelings about Kloss as a celebrity in general, but as everyone has noted, Kloss is married to the non-evil brother, and as everyone has also noted, there’s jackshit you can do to change the mind of a true MAGA Kool-Aid drinker, family or not. She has…
I have always liked Amber Rose. She is her own woman, not ashamed or even conflicted it seems about her past or unsure of her future. I just like her.
I’m sure all our thoughts and prayers are with the coronavirus at this diffcult time.