So there is someone sitting on 100 million dollars waiting to buy your bitcoin in one lump sum. That has the cash on hand? Whenever you want to sell? Your entire sum?......Sure
So there is someone sitting on 100 million dollars waiting to buy your bitcoin in one lump sum. That has the cash on hand? Whenever you want to sell? Your entire sum?......Sure
Chuck and Nancy canceled the meeting pointing out the tweet and saying President is not negotiating on good faith. Then said maybe congressional Republicans would be more interested in bipartisanship. This was inevitable and continues to take away any capital Trump appears to have. They are much better at this game…
We have a constitution to protect us from tyranny of the Government not the majority. Fence faller above was getting protected by the government in the form of police. Face punchee above did not get punched by the government but by a private citizen. Neither had ‘free-speech” inhibited but instead was drowned…
Life long resident of Las vegas here. Moving the stadium is a terrible idea. It is moving from central Las Vegas where 2 free ways converge and has downtown a mile away to the northwest corner of the valley and spending 80 million doing it. All of this while the Mets switched their AAA team from the 51s who were only…
How does it balance the vote when the Electoral College causes a vote in Wyoming to be worth 3 times as much as one in California even if there was 100% turnout? Also why complain about people not living instates that matter and then complain about how other states would matter in a popular vote? Also how can a…
Came for Archer pic....leave happy
Yet FF14 is PS4/PC cross platform as is DCUO. Maybe Microsoft has issues with dedicated servers outside MS control. Also a MMO that has ways to search chat history would placate Sony’s issues listed in the article. Minecraft would not have that.
Hey dipshit 33000 out of 325 million is approx. .01% or 1/10000 or .0001 how can I believe anything else of your statement when you can’t do math. It is also misleading cause it is not presented as percentage of deaths. Plus you equate specific cause of death (gun criminal homicide) to non specific cause of death…
As a Las vegan I agree. The Republican controlled state Legislature was called to an extra session in October by a Republican Governor to push the stadium deal through without an agreed upon site and at a much higher budget than a similar stadium push in Carlsbad CA (same development company in both cases). This was…