
What about the dancing Twi’Lek in jabba’s palace in Return of the Jedi. She was yelling at Jabba. That’s female dialogue right?

Am I the only one that thinks swinging from a rope tied to a dead tree is a bad idea?

Cut the cord a couple years ago. Have an HTPC running Plex and use FireTV Sticks for endpoints. Prime video with plex and slingtv get the job done. USTVNOW gives me access to the broadcast networks and while not always reliable does the job well enough for the limited amount of live TV I actually watch.

My first “real” job out of college offered a simple IRA which I took part in. It was a nice start. My current employer offers a pension plan along with a deferment. I’m 29 and all roads point to retirement around 60 at my current pace.

The live action movie series is great. If you ever expect any great depth or 100% continuity your’re crazy. After the second movie, we know exactly what they are. I want to see Milla shoot zombies in the face while trying to take down Umbrella.

NBA Live ‘16 is a big game?


Lack of diversity only seems to be relevant when it comes to these big press events. Look at the titles that these ladies have. They are important people. Just because they aren’t on stage and in the public eye at all times doesn’t mean there is a lack of diversity.

Everyone has their damn nose buried in their phones all the time. Social networking has turned everyone into a zombie. Always needing to know what’s happening on Twitter or the Facebook. While these services are great in their own right, the over consumption and worry of what everyone else in the world is doing has

Get a dog!

Quality is awful. Thanks Obama.

New Will Smith album confirmed!

World War Z was actually a book that came out is 2006 and had the "Z" factor long before any of those other titles.

If you can prove that it would be better, then show me. Otherwise, stop being a fan boy.

Went to to see stuff blow up. Stuff blew up. Giant robots. Mark Wahlberg! If you went to see it and expected anything else, you're an idiot. The movie was excellent and the effects were top notch. Can whine about how you're favorite Indie file gets no love or be an over sensitive, butt hurt, trendy, hipster, asshole

Favorite game gear

Favorite game gear

Favorite game gear

Favorite game gear

Do you ever take off your tinfoil hat? I've seen xbox live have a major issue maybe once in the many years that I've used it. And the cloud piece of these games are optional to help render graphics and add to the game. The game can be played offline if need be, just without the extra benefits. Considering that the