
You forgot to say please to vasilly

Sort of a "Solar Dingleberry" then.

How did I manage to read Enders Game and miss the pornographic part? Pages must have been stuck together.... padoom ching! Enjoy the veal, I'm here all week.

Airplanes have those damn double pane windows. The idea that someone is peddling this as some sort of UFO thing is an insult to... well.... okay, maybe its not that insulting considering who we are talking about. Move along.

Слово вашей матери

Would be fun to drive one of these. The watching? No so much.

Deep down my firm yet supple fuzzy (Yeah, it's fuzzy. Sorry.) butt, meat is not the healthiest thing to eat. It is just like everything else in life. You eat too much of anything and you are probably screwing yourself up in some way. And lets also read the research. The issues seems to focus more on "processed" meat.

All those strange little rules become common in totalitarian governments. Some bureaucrat has a personal hatred for when the strings are "plucked" - it's just not to their taste - and voila, a new rule relating to the playing of Jazz music is born.

If you have read any of what Bell has penned, the dude deserves odd looks. I don't think anyone will begrudge Obama a "Bell Hug"... I mean, who wouldn't? However, the point is being forwarded that Obama was mentored by this man and expressed himself in support of Bell and his theories. I realize the bent here is to

I shall watch it, and it shall be good.

Once again we get a headline for a story that tells us far more about the author than the topic being written about. "Velveeta Enema"... really?

I am not usually a Josh Brolin fan - but does he seem to be nailing the young Kay thing or what?

I call shenanigans on that conclusion. I can sit through a trailer for a hello kitty game/movie/con/slaughter fest and not like hello kitty. I think your assumptions on what watching a clip actually implies goes a bit off the rails.

I don't think I agree. I have worked with folks that I did not particularly like, but had a great deal of respect for their knowledge and their ability to get results. Having said that, I did recent leave a job after getting a new manager. In my case, I actually thought the guy was ok on a personal level, but he was

I will go all in on an Assassins Creed that jumps into the American Revolution.

Did you know that they actually built another facility once word got out about Greenbriar? So not only did your tax dollars go to funding the governments post apocalyptic digs once... but at least twice! Yippy!

Actually, archaeological evidence suggests that he did. You may disagree on whether or not he was the messiah, but it looks like he was around. At the very least, he was an amazing philosopher.

Is it just me or does that person look like a lost extra from walking dead?

Any bets on how long it will take for this to be standard equipment on all teleprompters to silence folks in the audience?

Also look back over the previous 20 years and compare what these same climate folks have been predicting versus what has actually happened. If a doctor was that wrong, that often, he would lose his license to practice.