
Life is full of little intelligence tests that many fail. At least we are creating a cottage industry in tattoo removal. Jobs of the future people!

I love these developers who speak with such certainty about things like this. You can translate "It's not contemporary" into, "It is not what the last game was that made tons of money". So lets not try a tweaking of strategy gaming or actually innovate - that's too hard... er... un-contemporary.

This. Is. Stupid.


But then he went with "Barreling" instead of "Hurtling"? However, I have to say that if someone could hurdle into space, I think we might see a heck of a whole lot more interest in NASA and the space program. DARE TO DREAM BABY!


I tried em. I now knock em.

I find myself trying to come up with something witty that brings up chads. Too fatigued to deliver.

The topic on the screen cap says "American History". Like it or hate it, it is part of American History. Of course, this is entirely up to the xbox folks, it is there playground. However, there is no freedom from being offended. In fact, I would argue that if you are not getting offended pretty regularly, then you are

Or... are there so few people now because they all killed each other? However, I would LOVE to believe the more Disneyesque interpretation.

Actually, since the footage references West Africa, that would make that ape and those militants leftists. So maybe "Return to Planet Pelosi" is more in line?

I realize life is so hard for the tragically hip urban hick, but good lord. Take two tons of suck it up and call me in the morning.

Going with the "Things I am ashamed to admit I liked" vibe. The movie "EuroTrip". The song "Scotty Doesn't Know" is worth it all by itself. Sadly, not streaming on Netflix.

Maybe he is rolling Buffalo Bill style?

Ok, the cheating sucks. But trying to draw some kind of parallel between a pedophile and a 51 year old dating a 30 year old? Really? Come on now.

Killer farts. That's the world I want to live in. Perhaps less apocalyptic and more family fun would be the anesthetic fart. Fart in someones face, they keel over like one of those goats. Ahhhh.... good times. Sorry.... one of those days.

Holy crap! Simon Pegg?!?! I have just changed my vote from "Meh" to "When can I go!"

Of course there is climate change. The geologic record shows that.... whether people are here or not, climate changes. However, assuming we are any good at actually comprehending the how/what/why of it would mean we should be able to completely predict/anticipate/control the much simpler system of economics. Our track

At some point, we need to weigh the value of weightless, odorless and more or less valueless bits against the relative importance of a topic. In this case, I think the bits were spent poorly.

Imagine the EPA if you break one of those CFL bulbs. []