
I vote yes on dystopian future fiction - and I was born during the Johnson administration! I don't need to get a book devoted to how teenage awkwardness is dealt with after the fall of civilization.

Totally, completely, unreservedly disagree. Lots of shared elements with lots of old stories. But then, you go back to those old stories and you discover they themselves were based on older stories... and so on and so forth. I think we should all know by now that sometimes how the story is told is the worthier part.

If the man-crush I have on Nathan Fillion is wrong, I don't want to be right.

I just watched the first three episodes and I have to say.... I understand the weak reception. Too much social cliche, preachy crap.

Wow... check them out, rocking in grandma style with their gumdrop mac!

"This isn't where I parked my car!"

I want to know who scott is.

I never swore I was not going to use these... aside from 2,4,5 and 8

Um... first. Feathers? Really?

Land of the Giants? Always thought the opening credits were cool. Could not find it on the intarwebs tho.

So, nobody thought to bring a geiger counter along? THAT seems like some valuable information. You would see the same kind of heat coming from a railroad car filled with compost. What is it they are trying to convince us of with this?

I would totally pay to watch the show. So even if they decided to blaze some new territory with a different distribution model (net, etc.) I would be up for plunking down my duckets.

Sniff.... do I detect the odor of schlock?

Whoa! Farrah is sitting on a companion cube! The cake is a lie!

@crashfrog: And yet, every time it has been tried, totalitarian regimes have resulted. Daveninva has it exactly right. I think some folks might benefit from reading up on what the CPUSA was up too - and who they were trying to make us like. Whats depicted in the snippet above is exactly how things went in schools in

It seems nuts to expect to fill the shoes of what SGU brings to the table with the other shows mentioned in that announcement.

You have girls dressed as maids in your home? Your home is either very clean or you need to explain much more.

@cljohnston108: Thank God there is someone on here older than me.... but not by much.

Um.... Star Wars did not yet exist when I got to know Star Trek, so Star Trek was what I came to love first. Yes, there are some old farts reading this blog.