
The lesson I learned is that the folks over at the National Geographic can be just as stupid as the rest of us.

We have to start up a collection for this poor kid. That is the cheapest wig I have ever seen in my life.

Why do I never get a donkey lady in my life?

Good lord. Lets just send a big steaming pile of "Shut the hell up" to the land of the leprechauns and call it even.

Did that poor girl lose a bet or something?

@Cybrwzrd: Totally, completely.... I smell testosterone

I like the depth. I can't recall another game that really played so heavily on your observational skills.

I thought that whole footsy move only qualified as subtle when the table was not made out of glass.... duh

Holy Frijoles.... this is like 20 pounds of crazy in a 5 pound bag.

@SuperTongue: Yeah.... broke down and got the 360 a few months back. The PS 3 is currently wrapped and sitting under the tree. I feel your pain brother.

@kw4k:I am kinda with ya on that one. I resisted the console thing as long as I could. All the guys I game with regularly sort of slowly got sucked into the Xbox thing tho. So now, if I want to game with good friends, I have to be on Xbox. So I did that, but I still keep the PC in gaming shape to get the mouse,

I am not sure I care about new playable weapons. I would rather see the gameplay tightened up and the environments you play in made more dynamic. Lets get true deformable terrain and buildings in there. You shoot a wall with a tank, that sucker should go down.

"I have a thing about tanks. If I can drive it, I will. If I can run you over with it, I shall. If you take it from me, I will chase you down and blow it up. Because if I can't have it, nobody can!"

There can be only one. Or so we can hope.

MW2 has turned out to be even better than I had thought. I am an old school (emphasis on old) guy who has had to make the transition from loving the mouse to hating the damn thumb no-joystick on my 360 controller.

Picked mine up today, still waiting to shed the stink of corporate America from my skin before I can play. #nightnote

Dude, nothing but love for ya, but for God sake. Why would your first thought to be to attack the thick outer case instead of the stuff that is 1/3 as thick where they printed the name of the game? I am only at 8:04, so maybe this occurs to you at some point... but... wow.

Or... maybe we could all just get over it and move on. Go on with life, avoid the folks who feel A.O.K. about using the words, phrases or spicey limericks that annoy/fold/spindle/mutilate/irritate you. Let those folks pay for their lameness by you showing them the hand and ignoring them. #modernwarfare2

Good Lord! This is the first I have ever seen of these commercials. If loving them is wrong, I don't want to be right. #modernwarfare2

@Elhigh: Um .... excuse me, but at that point in his career, I think JMV would still fall under the PRO category... thank you very much! ;-)