
The entire United States at this point is a ‘Cautionary Tale’.

I just want to say I am tired of how much shit this woman has gotten from the left too. I have an aquaitance and he LOVES LOVES to shit on her continously whenever we talk about politics. He has a complete inability to move on. He always brings up the election and losing was her fault and Bernie would have won and

I’ve always been a Hillary supporter, but this isn’t something I would remotely care to read until Trump is gone.

Am I the only one who did a double take thinking this was George Clooney?

Recently my married friend was complaining how hard marriage was. She then looked at me and said, “You never really seemed to have bought into the happily ever after thing, did you?” I didn’t need to say anything because while I’m sure it’s amazing for lots of people, being single has many, many benefits which some

I find the juxtaposition of “have sex” and “give 2 blow jobs” with “eat cotton candy” and “have a lemonade stand” to be a little heartbreaking. She is still just a kid.

Gotta admit, I turn off browser images at work so I clicked on this fully expecting it to be a plea to Janet Yellen about raising or not raising interest rates.

I don’t want to sound like an internet asshole, but I’m surprised Britney is still a thing. She was never a Whitney or a Beyonce. She can dance and she’s a decent performer, but there are a lot of very talented women in pop music today who can actually sing and dance their asses off.

I read it as how big his dick is.

No joke, the cropped version of the dress at the top of this article is the first time I’ve automatically seen it as the “correct” way, which is blue and black. I always see it white and gold normally.

It doesn’t matter if it’s light blue and brown or white and gold in bad lighting - it’s fucking ugly. And no one needs sleep to make that call.

The Raiders will make a run at him, but I suspect in the end they’ll just....pass.

She does look great, but I’m skeptical of that size 4 thing. She looks like I did at a size 8.

Rivers Romo needs to grow up and start a band called “Geezer”

Joe Paterno’s son is already denying he knew anything about this.

I am an unapologetic and longtime fan of Ryan Adams. He’s so prolific and so many of his albums are really great and listenable. I’d be hard pressed to pick a favorite. I know some people find him insufferable, but man, the music is good.

Is this the movie poster for Rocky IV Loko?

Irregardless, Boston sucks.

Yes, by all means, all of those people who are concerned about practicalities like health care and jobs will be better served by the President who gets rid of the ACA and starts a trade war with Mexico/China/everyone.