
I am dumb and thought it was all real.

Now playing

I too was devastated to find out the Queen of England did not jump out of a helicopter for the Olympic Opening Ceremony. The world is naught but lies.

In the past week or so, I’ve gotten through twice and faxed once. I was polite to the staffer (who frankly sounded miserable). I just picked DeVos as the one issue on which to focus. I tried to appeal to his self serving nature by saying, “This isn’t a partisan issue. She is flat out unqualified. The Senator doesn’t

Both these guys can go fuck themselves. I’m so tired of Bernie Sanders remaining at the forefront and everybody making believe he played no role in getting us to where we are today.

Ugh, this isn’t Bernie kicking off a campaign for 2020, right? He’s too old?

Good for them, babies are great. That photo, though....that’s pretty fucking awkward.

I legit thought she was his daughter until I saw a closer picture.

Um... it looks like it was stolen direct.

This has got to go to the top of the page. I did a google search and while people/organizations are noting the date, they haven’t yet twigged that it’s from the wrong year yet that I could find.

I’m encouraging everyone to replace ‘pro-life’ with ‘anti-choice.’ It’s a more accurate term to describe opponents of women’s right to choose, since they don’t care about the lives of pregnant women.

What say you, cheerleaders?

OMG you missed the cutest woke man there.

Can anyone tell me why I find Adam Driver hot? I still haven’t figured it out.

And she’s never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down

Oh good the old bait and switch.

Kellyanne Conway is a terrible person, but I did think that was a funny line. Especially with all of the womanizers in the Trump administration.