+ 1 Heart Failure
+ 1 Heart Failure
Midterms. For the love of God, people, destroy the Republicans in 2018.
In 2000 people were worried about stupidity taking power and slowing social change. It wasn’t nearly as disappointing as the idea of hate taking power and reversing civil rights.
He should have thought about that before throwing all his weight behind the misogynistic racist rotten cheeto in a failed bid to stay relevant post-Bridgegate.
Marshawn Lynch returned to Cal tonight, and he’s back on the cart to celebrate the tenth anniversary of that event:
As if his hands could wrap all the way around a baby’s neck.
I switched my voter registration from Florida to Massachusetts in 2000 (my senior year of college), comvinced that it’s not like my absentee ballot was going to matter much in Broward County.
He is an above-average singer, but certainly below-(traditional) Broadway caliber. I love him and I love Hamilton, but the dude wouldn’t have been able to get a singing part in a Broadway musical if he didn’t write ‘em himself. So he wrote ‘em himself, like a brilliant person! Go Lin! :D
I would love it if someone with more musical experience/knowledge could tell me if there’s a vocal reason, but I just can’t get over how bad his voice sounds to me? Like, he genuinely sounds like a very average singer. I don’t mean this as an insult, but it’s hard for me to listen to him sing and I’m curious if it’s…
OH FUCK YOU ANTHONY WEINER. If he was just screwing himself over time and time again, I might, possibly still feel bad for him. But now that he might be fucking the entire world, he FINALLY decides to go to rehab. Fuck off you narcissistic shitbag.
As a caveat, bear in mind that the ABC News/WaPo poll is insane. Its first poll number, from about ten days ago, had Clinton up above Trump by 12 points in the four way race, which was certainly not true. Over the next eight days that dropped down to Trump leading by one.
No one gets to even think about becoming President while still being 100% pure. It’s in the nature of politics. Obama might be the cleanest President we’ve had in a long, long time. But he’s made plenty of deals and probably made some sneaky moves along the way.
Yes, Chelsea is just pretending to smile from ear to ear when she talks about her mom and what she means to her. /s
I decided not to have children. It’s not bravery, but I do have to prepare myself for the neighborhood functions. The cold shoulder I get from the moms is very chilly.
YESYESYESYES. Were I giving Comey every benefit of the doubt, and assuming that (in this world) this parallel investigation of Weiner / HRC email thing had come out after the election of her as president, then yes, it would cause a major shitstorm— then why not just come out and calmly, rationally write the letter to…
Please o please remember that the 2 point difference refers to the popular vote, which is not how we elect the president in this country! He’s about 130 electoral college votes behind her. It’s comforting fact from the perspective of the results of the election, even though his popularity is still absolutely…
Loretta Lynch doesn’t have much credibility in objecting as her shady meeting with Bill Clinton during the e-mail investigation played a role in Comey’s decision to go public. I can only hope Americans are smart enough to realize that this is not a big deal but I fear otherwise.
I mean we don’t even know anything about these emails. If this causes an impact on the polls, some people were just looking for an excuse not to vote for Hillary.
Ok, so it sounds like the guy whose recommendation it was that no charges be filed against Clinton for any wrongdoing has now turned around and intentionally given a vague statement with the express purpose of “punishing” her for the very things he said merit no action. Like, I was giving the benefit of the doubt when…
If they yell ‘NO!’ at him, Cosby can identify them by voice.