
Why didn’t she get away from him earlier? I really don’t understand that.

This is the most horrifying turn of events conceivable. The combination of real-life stakes and sheer, complete fucking idiocy involved is just so out of balance it’s not funny or entertaining in any way, shape, or form. I am as much of a media/tabloid/news junkie as anyone, but there is not one fiber of my being

I need a place to vent about all Bernie supports in my life. It’s like, listen. I voted for him too and I was disappointed when he didn’t get the nomination, but you guys, seriously? Get your shit together. He’s not running for president anymore. He dropped out of the race, threw his support behind Hillary and urged

Memo to Jill Stein voters : Ditto.

Not taking a position, only saying if.

that really is sandra bullock’s costume in every comedy she does.

I was gonna go with, “Geaux directly to jail. Do not pass ‘Geaux’ and do not collect $200,” but I think yours is better.

Go right. Further right. Completely out of bounds. Further.

Madonna is beyond pretentious, putting out music which tries hard to be deep and fails. I’d say Madonna is far worse than Gaga, when it comes to this. Gaga is a far more relatable person, she just loves to experiment with her work is all. Madonna is always putting off this vibe like she’s far too superior for everyone

Richard Sherman crying.gif

My mom, too.

Remember how many of us were like, “I hope Obama doesn’t get assassinated during his inaugeration.” Well, I wish I could say I am not thinking the same about Clinton. 

I was following debate tweets last night (I don’t know why I do that to myself) and the things Trump followers were coming up with blew me away.

I am so fucking ready to see this woman get her Inauguration Day.

Really? I like Biden but I think he would be too easily goaded into a name calling contest with Trump. I have a lot of issues with Hillary on a policy level but I don’t think there’s anyone better to face Trump. She’s the most level headed person I’ve ever seen and since Trump’s misogyny seems to have been one of the

“What makes today’s accuser noteworthy is that she has shown tremendous courage in coming forward today,” Allred said.

As an outsider (Brit) I don’t like to talk about politics here. It’s none of my business and it’s such a partisan issue to the people to whom it matters, but I’m going to break my own rule.

Trump disparaging a former female Secretary of State?!?! I’m so shocked my cock just blew off, turned into a penis drill missle and burrowed itself deeply into my brain, killing me.