Rebel Girl

I think it’s a great thing that The Color Purple is more closely associated with the black actors than the white director.

I’ve seen The Color Purple multiple times and even I forgot Steven Spielberg directed that one. It’s so closely associated with Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah Winfrey and blackness in general that the white director kinda gets forgotten, at least in the circles I’m in.

Brendan Fraser is 48.

Great comic. Terrible movie.

But a “B” styled movie might only make $500M instead of a billion. Of course, they could forego using temperamental, narcissistic, “A” list actors and cut the budget in half but that may be too logical an approach.

Also needed Brendan Fraser, tbh.

I’d be more on board if they weren’t trying to do League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

I’d be more on board if they weren’t trying to do League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Audiences and critics are so stupid. Don’t they know there’s nothing more fascinating than a white man in his 50's running around, pretending to be Indiana Jones? 

I’m not quite sure I understand your reaction to the term, psychosexual. The practice of putting more money into doctors’ pockets by cutting off part of a child’s sex organs, and the inability to properly wash a baby because of inhibitions about touching his penis can both be thought of as psychosexual issues.

It was a move away from human sacrifice which, was widely practiced by other people in the fertile crescent. Progressive for 1,500 BCE, not so much for 2005 CE.

Not when performed on babies.

And this decision is one which many adults are now questioning– and appropriately so.

Most circumcisions are performed on babies– who are not “choosing” the procedure.

Very curious that a God who would create all of mankind replete with a foreskin would require that it be subsequently chopped off by self-appointed religious leaders. Makes me wonder if what we’re seeing there is not a command from God but the acting out some kind of dysfunctional psychosexual issue.

Except the part where mental health services are actually covered and accessible.

uhhhh months of solitary confinement is definitely torture

Chelsea Manning exposed American war crimes and was tortured by the government as a result. there is nothing to dispute there. her’s was an act of selfless heroism and im glad she survived and is now free. right on.

Or fit enough to wear it.