Rebel Girl

To add on to my previous comment, to suggest that she should’ve put herself in even more immediate danger and tried (probably unsuccessfully) to stop him while he was alert sounds fucking ridiculous to my ears. This isn’t much different from a kidnap victim attacking their abuser in an attempt to escape - it’s self

In Canada, a 1990 Supreme Court decision set a precedent for the use of what was called “battered woman syndrome” as a legal defence to the killing of an abusive spouse. It removed the need for the threat to be immediate (as it would need to be for a standard self-defence claim). The court found that abused spouses

I’m all anti-murder and all that happy crap, but like reading those words I’m like give this girl a medal, not jail time. She may have saved her whole family.

I really hesitate to call things like this “murder”, since it’s arguably self-defense.

Fine, fine...she’s guilty. 10 cent fine payable on her way out the courtroom.

Yes, we overpay wildly for too many of the stealth capable fighters and bombers, but the F35 is the travesty. The troops now ride in on their HMWVVs, ASV, Cougars, and JLTVs. Or if they are Marines they might get to hitch a ride in the old school AAV7, or the new with GynDyn EFV is totally bad ass but very, very

At least I was adorable back then?

I adore you anyway? I don’t even know what to say to this. #genxlovesmellenialsbutnotreally

YOU WERE FOUR?!?! I was i college. Sigh. Why are we friends?

I am SO STOKED that this is happening at a time when I am old enough to fully understand/be paying attention to it all. Bill Clinton’s impeachment hearings were the first news story I was ever aware of. (Tiny, four year old me remembers watching the news coverage of it from my parents’ bed.) Such sweet, sweet

They can always say he was never a real Republican, as plenty had been doing. Ultimately it comes down to whether his continued embarrassments are more likely to drag the part through the mud. The Israeli spy bit is probably a deal breaker for many regardless their current public position.

There won’t be. Unless the people in those Red districts demand that their Representatives support impeachment and threaten their re-election chances.

Won’t anyone please think of the billionaires? It’s nice to see this historically under-served class finally get its due...

I suspect that more couples should sleep on separate bedrooms, and honestly, my ideal relationship might be condos that are across the hall from each other. But it sounds like these two don’t even think that’s far enough.

For years, these poor billionaires have had to be content being obscenely rich (thanks, Obama!). Now, they finally have the opportunity to be obscenely rich beyond the dreams of avarice.

Colonics, darling. Colonics all the way.

are you kidding? melania doesn’t poop. she pays doctors to remove her waste surgically.

“definition of compassionate: a compassion that is balanced between the people who get the benefits and the people who pay them.”

They probably do share a hotel room, but they probably ignore each other except when it’s time to crawl into bed. And then she rolls herself up into as tight a ball as possible so she doesn’t have to touch him and dreams of her gilded penthouse and spending time with her son.

Not sure how someone would hold a nub that can’t fit into a hand?