Rebel Girl

Does this mean we can start kicking Jews and coloreds out of our business establishments?

Anybody else kinda worried about him right now? Should we put in a safe place?

Unless, you know, he wants to. Congress could easily waive some of those restrictions if they wanted. When subpoena’d as a witness in that investigation, “this investigation is classified” doesn’t hold much water. But what will really happen is he will consult with Mueller first and craft his testimony in a way to not

It’s not, it’s just hard to argue that against well paid lawyers.

Comey better watch his back

I heard they let trump behead a waiter after his chocolate cake.

He doesn’t have to- all he has to do is whip out every memo he wrote involving dinner conversations with Trump and Trump’s lawyers have to get even more serious about studying impeachment

I will even settle for non-Russia related tidbits of info about Trump. Like the way Comey really feels about spray tans, being courted by an old con man, and how he literally puked for a week when Trump won. Enough with the “mildly nauseous” whitewash. Let it all out Jimmy, and beg Hillary for forgiveness.

‘There’s a lot more shoes to drop from this centipede’ ~ John McCain

Trump is more like a shared joke than a shared threat, but laughter is the best medicine. Unless you are Trump. Then it’s a fistful of blue pills and his daughter’s high-school pictures.

jesus that’s sad.

Comey testifies on Monday. #45 will be in Jerusalem that day.

Holy fuck I thought the overcooked steak and ketchup thing was just a joke

Seth Meyers (I think) joked that Trump took the “under” bet on him getting impeached, and is now actively trying to throw the game. I am starting to think he might be right.

All that ketchup, steak, pizza, KFC and double scoops of ice cream contain loads of salt and fat. And I’ll bet he never eats a fresh vegetable or piece of fruit or drinks anywhere near enough water. That means 1) He’s a ticking time bomb for a stroke 2) He’s literally full of shit. Which might explain his extremely

The media is soooo thirsty for a chance to get to push the “Trump Finally Becomes Presidential” narrative. Every time he makes it through a day without tripping over his own feet or casually committing an impeachable offense they start up with that again. Mark my words, if he makes it through this without making a

I just had an epiphany! Do you think his horrible orange color might be due to all that artificially colored ketchup he’s been eating all these years? Cuz you just know he eats loads of the cheap stuff.

trump can’t wait to visit exotic Persia and Constantinople on his foreign adventures!

I bet he brags about how Russia gave him a ton of money

I, for one, would take lamb and rice any day of the week. Especially over charcoalized steak and red high fructose corn syrup.