
They can buy the stuff.

A lot of dollar stores carry name-brand food. I have no trouble finding Coke or Pepsi or Lay's chips and the like there. And they're still cheaper than the megamart.

And they weigh less than 2,000lbs.

Cool story bro.

How is this stupid?

They kinda do. They just don't actually do it until later on.

Zero is neither even or odd.

Sorry, but the Leaf is a big F**k you car. You're basically saying "F**k you, I'm more environmentally holy than you are, look at me and worship my smug superiority." Like a Prius, but worse.

but I'm a conservative and I like the Fiesta. ..the Volvo C30 isn't too bad either but it's not something I'd own.

It was even worse in the 50s, when the movie was set. Being gay back then made you a social pariah.

No lie, there. Tim Curry makes everything better.

That movie was fantastic. Tim Curry completely stole the show, as he has tendency to do.

Holy crap, it looks like it belongs in there.

My vote goes to the Japanese literbikes. You know the type. Suzuki GSXR, Honda CBR, etc. Stupid amounts of power and every one of them has the baffles in the muffler cut out so they'll be louder. And every single one I've seen has been ridden by some idiot in shorts and a tank top and no helmet (which is good for

How about not eating everything in sight? Has anyone tried that?

Meanwhile their corporate customers still haven't upgraded from XP...

I'm really not sold on Win8 because of the Metro interface. On my phone? I love it. It's perfect there. On a tablet? It'd be great on a tablet. On a regular desktop?

Last I read, the Augusta golf club doesn't have any rule that says women can't join. From what I've read, the only ways in are to A: be a corporate sponsor of the Masters, as above, or win the Masters. And since no woman has ever won the Masters...

It could be the Camaro 1LE just has that much more mechanical grip. Tires can make a big difference, but track conditions can make an even bigger one. Test them side by side on the same day and see what happens.

Seconded. Ecclestone has to be the biggest jerk in racing.