With my camera the card isn't the limiter, it's the battery. I think it's shot, because I can only get a couple dozen photos out of it before it's depleted.
With my camera the card isn't the limiter, it's the battery. I think it's shot, because I can only get a couple dozen photos out of it before it's depleted.
The only reason the process is so convoluted and frustrating is because they're not allowed to ban them outright. NYC and Chicago are much the same way.
That's pretty much the idea, yeah.
Re: break-ins. KNOW YOUR STATE LAWS. What you are and are not permitted to do in the case of a home invasion varies widely from state to state. In some states you're obligated to flee if your life or property are in danger. In some states you're permitted to retaliate but only as a last resort. In others, you can…
You win. You just..you just win.
I saw the d-bag stereo and thought "oh christ here comes the dubstep" . Thank god it didn't happen.
In ME2 I played a female Shepard, and since I planned to run straight Paragon I named her Kari—a name I remembered from somwhere that meant "pure of heart".
Caffeine is out for me as I'm kind of sensitive to it—it gives me splitting headaches, stomach problems and an irregular heartbeat if I have more than what's in a typical cup of coffee.
That worthless hobag needs to get that decrepit pile of shit off the road and take the fucking bus.
A little? You mean the cost of the camera, the cost of the display screen and the cost to engineer the car's interior and exterior to accomodate all this? You can count on this boosting the price of every car by a not-insignificant amount.
Great. Another unnecessary safety feature that'll add at least a thousand bucks to the cost of every car.
If screaming foul language counted as exercise, I'd be Charles fucking Atlas.
I don't think yelling profanities counts as exercise.
That was a real bitch. I only got two—the Mustang and the Bronco. Damn that was hard.
We can only hope.
I don't have a drop of Irish blood in me and I like Jameson. Though I prefer it on the rocks.
Old pickups and 4x4s look their best when they're a little rough. Maybe it's just me, but every time I see an old beater truck on the road, something with a few dents and scrapes, I wonder what the story is behind those dings and scratches. I just don't think an older pickup looks right all bright and shiny and…
My vision has been getting progressively worse pretty much from the day I was born. I get regular eye checkups to make sure I'm still legally OK to drive, but I know the day is going to come sooner rather than later when I'm going to have to hang up the keys. When I was 16, they said I'd have to stop driving by 30. …
Mine either. Traffic is bad enough around here. I don't need any out of state hoons making things worse.