
Dang...I consider myself a car guy but this is pretty tough. (Admittedly, this is out of my era—I'm more familiar with more modern sheetmetal, say 80s and 90s). I can identify a couple of them, but 3 at the most and I'm not sure I can narrow it down to specific make and model.

Only in the Village.

This happens to me EVERY TIME I try to plug something in via USB, especially my phone charger.

I'm hesitant to tell you people. I kinda like my favorite local driving roads to stay relatively secret. But I will tell you of one. PA SR 989 from Freedom to Ambridge. It's nothing but elevation changes and curves, hardly a single straight stretch on it until you get into town, and usually very little traffic and

Any college that gets a reputation for being a "party school".

I owned my 2001 Cavalier from March of '01 until January of '09, so just shy of 8 years.

I watch the Golf Channel. Works like a charm.

I'd say this is the real goal. They can hit you extra-hard for speeding in a school zone. The D-bag cops around here LOVE to sit in school zones and write tickets for people going 3 over.


Seriously, whose idea was that anyway? Was he some kind of moron? (Not that the Republican mascot, an elephant, is that much better...)

Only if we get to redefine Democrat as "Jackass".

Very mature, Internet.

They seem to go back and forth between slamming and fellating Apple. It's quite the abusive relationship. Sad, honestly.

That sounds rather tasty. I think I'll put it on my list, as well.

Masterful plan, sir. Just crazy enough to work.

Nice try.

WARNING: The following link will suck the rest of your day into a time warp, but it goes with your point perfectly. Behold the logistics of the Precision F-Strike.

(insert slow clap)

I kinda like Leeni, which made this tolerable. Briefly. I got about halfway through before I decided "SCREW THIS NOISE" and turned Sabbath back on.

I'd thought these devices locked the driver's helmet in place and prevented them from moving their heads entirely.