
What about Moons Over My Hammy at Denny's?

Yeah, I found the kids less annoying in the movie. Lex was, like, 5 in the book and totally useless and whiny.

Lex was more annoying in the book because she was 5 IIRC and whined about everything. Tim was older, I think 11, and a little more mature, so he wasn't quite as annoying.

Saying furries are a race is like saying people who cosplay as Star Trek characters are a race.

It's like, when they're too anthropomorphic, they look furries. Like, if they're fully-clothed and/or have human hairdos.

"That great BLACK superhero!"

All I remember about this show is that I was the only girl in my 6th grade class who wasn't into those goofy floppy hats.

I did a book report on JP in 7th grade and got made fun of because "dinosaurs are for little kids".

Eh, maybe Tim had Asperger's? I know Aspie kids who can rattle off obscure technical details about whatever they happen to be obsessed with.

I read it when I was 9. My dad bought it for me when it first came out because it was about dinosaurs and he knew I liked dinosaurs. I'm pretty sure it was my first adult book. A lot of the sciencey stuff and Chaos Theory stuff went over my head, but I was still able to understand the basic plot of dinosaurs escaping