
"Finally, there’s the aforementioned crowd, which includes a handful of people who are filming and taking pictures of the smashing. These people don’t try to stop him, which sends a message almost as clear as destroying the star in the first place does. Specifically, it indicates that Trump’s name has been tarnished

You've got Issa? Damn, you've got the only congressman richer than my representative. Thanks to all that gerrymandering his home on the rich west side of Austin is in the same district as the mostly poor and rural counties between Austin and Houston. Dysentery indeed.

I'm merely saying that if the facts point to something that is more of an individual issue than a systemic one then it's not a systemic problem. I don't see how you can argue against that. It's basic logic and if the facts prove you wrong then it doesn't make it so no matter how strongly you believe it or how many

Of course I knew someone would chastise me for "victim blaming". Why in this day and age should any individual have personal culpability when they can just sit back and blame the system? What I was getting at is that the numbers point to less of a systemic problem than common rhetoric would have you believe if any at

I didn't miss your point at all. That's why I said one must look at trends in addition to gross numbers. What you just said goes to prove what I was getting at. If the hiring of more women who gain more experience and thereby make more money closes the gap over time then it shows that the gap is an explainable result

If the gap is skewed by a higher percentage of older professors being male and making more compared to the younger generation with more gender balance then doesn't that mean that more experienced individuals are making more than less experienced ones? That's not gender/pay discrimination at all. If the issue is that

All over central Texas. First spotted it maybe 7-8 years ago, but the only time I've seen it actually posted to the menu is during Lent.

I'm not sure about its availability year round (I tend to not even attempt off-menu orders at places that barely have the competency to get a regular order right) but during lent is when they start marketing the Double Filet-o-Fish. The extra fish does wonders to minimize the weird mouth feel of the super-processed

If there's a market, the publishers will see it happen. Look at how many Dune books came out after Herbert died. Perhaps his son writing makes it a slightly different scenario, but not really. The demand is there and they know they can get some other writers to crank out stories set in the ASoIaF universe at a far

Everyone. Everyone knew the show would end before the last book came out.

Perhaps, but there's no way in seven hells Randyll Tarley is even going to recognize a bastard if he had one, let alone bring him back to Horn Hill.

Thank you. I saw plenty of interviews where Mandel talked about how she would not be back in the White House but that was the only one where they actually addressed that issue. Personally, I don't think it works as a joke at all, especially to end the season on. Any time you have to explain that something is actually

That's sort of the point. If she wasn't so cold towards her husband's bastard son that would sort of throw up some red flags. I mean, practically no lord brings home his bastard to raise amongst his trueborn, especially not while his wife is still around and giving him more heirs. The best way to make everyone think

Where was this confirmed as a gag? It certainly seemed left up in the air on the show. I didn't see it mentioned in the interview AV Club posted with Mandel and with the way he answered questions about Catherine's hard drive he doesn't seem like the type to give a truthful answer when it comes to potential future

Was I the only one who watched through the credits where Martin Mull's Bob Bradley mistakes Montez for Selina and says they found the missing Nevada ballots and she won? If that is true and not another moment of pure Bradley senility then is it just salt in the wound that Selina should have won or does it give an out

He did, married her and proceeded to watch her get railed by dude after dude at the order of his dad. Then she went off to wherever whores go. Perhaps he'll find Tysha again one day. Sadly, I doubt his story will have a happy ending.

I see what you did there.

They've been writing original material into the show almost from the beginning. While season 1 was easily the most book-faithful, as the show has progressed they've constantly been diverging into their own story and each season has been less and less faithful to the source material. That in and of itself is nothing

Because D&D can't write original material. They must have recently seen Aliens and figured the self-sacrifice of Vasquez needed to be put to film again.

Definitely truth seeing as how if my bulldog isn't snoring he's farting, and with almost enviable levels volume and pungency. In both cases.