
insert unapproved comment here

nobody here is biased at all....nope.

It would make a great hackintosh

I would buy foaming squirrel os....god please let 10.8 be foaming squirrel....

The patent office can take notes from these guys. Not too fond of my patented DNA

I now vow to be the first drunk man in space...

they're still in the kitchen guys

It's one of those new fashion trends, like carrying a small dog or attempting to "fit in" as they say. They split food up over the day or day(s).I know this may be scary but they call our diets barbaric. The nerve...

soooo I take it your french?

You gonna point out that they used a star trek line too. It was clearly said in the movie "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few". It was The wrath of kahn for crying out loud. I'm 19 and I noticed this.

I have both an android device and a blackberry.One for developing (Lg optimus) and the other for business/normal life. So my question is why don't you guys do a blackberry section?

so is google wave the sibling nobody talks about and your parents try to remember they don't exist?

Like they did with wave?

Well palm was genius though and had an entire arsenal of patents, I believe that's why HP bought them, and to this day I still love my pre. WebOS really is a solid operating system despite what most think.

I can dig it, let's say they use all of the infected systems on say a mass attack on say, oh I don't know sony. Is it really a crime in that case? Come on people. I wanna see what happens when 4.5 million computers attack at once

facebook had status updates first, but in the end they all copied this ancient site known as friendster.

I believe you've just found your second career.

No, it's called ketosis and it is a natural protein sparing state. I no carb a lot and it's called the warrior diet when you eat once a day and then not the rest of the diet and exercise on an empty stomach. It's very effective. I lost 21 pounds of pure fat in a month doing keto and i'm not even overweight. (5'7

But say with someone like me who doesn't eat carbs and my body runs on fat, how would this affect my fasted cardio? It's always proven to be more effective to me I thought