
common sense is they would use webOS....I'm actually surprised someone had to ask. Every since they bought Palm that's been the plan.

that show had to be made for pedophiles... I still can't believe such a thing exist

Sorry but then you are not healthy.Even your description of yourself was bad, people aren't just "bigger" i'm 5'7" lean and muscular at 140 pounds.I wear medium shirts because I have a large chest due to genetics (45 inches). I have fatty genes and severe insulin resistance, it's called take control of your body and

What pisses me off is fat people honestly think that's why they won't get hired. For example my sister claims she can't get a job because shes fat. When I heard her say this I was in hysterics and pointed out the fact that I see overweight people working everyday.It's an excuse and an easy crutch for them to blame and

I have insulin resistance and "fat genes" and i'm 140 pounds at 5'7". My sister is close to 300 and exhibits no self control. Genetics or not there's no excuse.Pick up a damn book and learn how to work against the issue people.

Just stop...those people who eat complete garbage? Yeah some can. And you know what it affects them down the line. There's somatypes for this to truly understand it. Guess what bud, I used to be fat. I was 265 pounds, now i'm 145. Wanna know what I did? I learned to say no.I rode a bike and found out chicken was

that's a yes. I clearly remember it because my initial thought was here we go again.

Now i'm going to startup a streaming site...

Yes and as everyone else pointed out theres several definitions, that source doesn't count.Because if it did every IT in the world would be a "hacker".And really? because based on all the comments everyone seems to be disagreeing with you. Being a computer programmer and security adviser it's a big deal to me

The media tells you it's hackers and not the proper term. so yes you moron. And I hope someone makes an example out of your ignorance.

No he'd rather just hate what the media tells him to hate.

I now don't know what to think for at one point owning a majority of these phones, hell I still have the Q, samsung clamshell one, sidekick, nokia music phone, and the droid sitting around. Does this signify a problem?

Well hey the video isn't that bad.I'm kinda surprised he didn't take it.

or mudkipz


no by mudkipz

I have severe dyslexia, believe it or not it greatly affects some users such as myself.

computers and other items from her house...but shes standing right there RECORDING HIM...and she let him take them? Why didn't she just try and stop him? Hes on HER property STEALING her property...uh yeah pretty sure even screaming bloody murder would have scared his ass off.

You probably modified your data and sync settings. That will do it. I love it, it is flawless, and great for voip calls