Oklahoma is OK is really overselling it.
Oklahoma is OK is really overselling it.
Hybrid vigor!
You’ll need to add “Tales from the Tour Bus” to that list, and if you haven’t watched it, do you eyeballs and ears a favor and do so.
I saw Berlin perform Sex at Grad Nite ‘83, but even that didn’t work.
Ah, the ol’ Magic Christian :
It was a long time ago, but I think the thing about it at the time was the multiplayer. Not only was it the first game to have a lot of mutliplayer variety and modes other than deathmatch, but forming an AppleTalk LAN was cheaper and easier than networking PCs, which required more expensive versions of Windows and a…
Even worse, no Marathon
Mullets in SPACE!!!
that’s a deep cut
I’ve had fired rabbit ears, and they’re fine. They slice them very thin, and aren’t tough or chewy at all. If you are going to eat rabbit, eating the ears is better than throwing them away.
Thank you for your service
He literally wrote the book: https://archive.org/details/Cards_as_Weapons_-_Ricky_Jay_1977/mode/2up
They showed the tracker in his bag as well.
Still a better idea than autoplaying insurance adds.
Nerd minstrely is the best way I’ve heard it put.
I would pay $12-15 not to see this.
Children’s tears make the best martinis
A friend of mine got the day wrong and went in prepped a week early... ugh. It wouldn’t bother me to do the procedure every year if I had to, but that prep is something I’m not looking forward to having to do again.
A real news show not constantly preempted by sportsball would be great.
apparently not