Rebecca D Knowles

I agree. The "numbers of similar stories" is an weak argument for or against Cosby's guilt. I hope someone is building a stronger case.

Sorry! Not my style to be ambiguous. Mea culpa here.

I believe Cosby IS guilty of drugging and raping young women. But I don't think that the argument of large numbers of similar stories should be the argument that wins a conviction. I really hope that prosecutors will have something other than this to present to a jury.

I'm regularly stumped that MANY commenters (not on the AVClub site, though) attempt to explain their conviction of Cosby's guilt by saying that all these allegations are similar, so therefore they must be true. Or at least some of them must be true.

Sorry folks! Thought my comment would be clear to this bunch. I would like to read what you AVClub commenters think of this. I'll reword and post up front, not in a reply chain.

Well, since I'm so smart, and since I have such a cogent comment on the Bill Cosby story, I'll make it here. I LOVE that a statement that's so common on other sites is not obvious here, with you guys. To comment on those sites where it is obvious, I would have to register with Facebook! So here is my response to a