Rebecca Hammer

Yup. I knew, after watching the taping of the Mon and Tues episodes, that the only way to stop him from making it a runaway was to find the DDs before he did.

Oh hey there. Not sure I have TOO much dirt to share, other than (a) Alex is a stone cold destroyer of dreams, (b) I wish I went to a school with fraternities/sororities (DAMN YOU GREEK ALPHABET), and (c) people say the weirdest things about you on the internet when you're on TV.

I knew omega was a crap guess, but I felt like I had to write something down. I'm a liberal arts major/lawyer who never joined a sorority, so the Greek alphabet is, well, Greek to me.

Exactly. In retrospect, I should have wagered bigger, but since I didn't get FJ right, ultimately it didn't matter.

I tried, dude.

I tried chatting with him backstage before we went on the air, and he was pretty icy. To be fair, whatever mindset he had going on in the studio, it was working for him.

You mean internet comment boards are for doing things other than correcting people's mistakes? Shit, I've been doing this wrong.

I'm one of the contestants playing against Alex on tonight's episode. I can't reveal the results, but I will say that it'll be a more exciting game than his first three episodes.