
This settlement is a sham. Lawsuit should have continued and I hope it will. Uber drivers absolutely 100% are employees of Uber and must be treated as such. All we hear is lies and misdirections from Uber and its hired shill but facts remain - vast majority of Uber drivers want (and should according to existing laws)

Please. Spare me "I'm a contractor" saga. Most Uber drivers WANT to be considered employees. Stop misdirecting.

That's not true. By MOST definitions Uber drivers are employees. It's morally bankrupt to treat them otherwise. This settlement is a sham.

Why are we bending existing laws to achieve which it took many decades of labor activism, and laws that made America great, and throw it all under the bus so that just few Uber billionaire owners could make an extra billion?
Uber is not about technology or innovation. Such car hailing apps existed long before Uber.

For a $70 billion dollar multinational mega-corporation that already is breaking taxi regulations and laws, $91/year is pennies....