
This isn’t really toxic, it’s just fanrage. Toxicity is usually much much worse than this, though the current thin-skinned nature of our populace has shifted the bar for true toxic behavior over slightly. However, it is not simply limited to video gaming - anime, movies, Warhammer 40k miniatures... there are LOTS of

Wait wait wait... are you trying to tell me that Gamestop has SHITTY PRACTICES?

I am fuckin’ SHOCKED.

Kill it with fire


*gets up to leave*

Nope nope nope


Beat me to it. I wanted to reply with “they say a lot of things.”

I always take grilling advice from randos on the internet, instead of trusting the 30+ years of quality grilling I’ve already been doing.

Next, tell the one where you believe we MUST put mustard on before ketchup, because personal reasons that are totes fact yo.

The fact that Puppy Rescue was robbed of its GOTY trophy was the biggest fucking outrage of 2016

The auction house- to this day - still makes my blood boil. It was so clearly a way to introduce microtransactions into a game without technically introducing them. I joked wih my friend while we were playing - right after my wizard got his first legendary item to drop ever (with 110 hours played). It was a bow that

The joke was lost on you

NC represent! *urban appropriated gangsta signs or something I don’t know I’m white*

If you think the data that serious physicists exchanged was itself very serious, you haven’t met many physicists.

Nah, they were making those chassis well into the mid-2000s. I worked at a company as a co-op during those times and we were still manufacturing those.

“Classic Retro Vintage” from 2004

Part of me was hoping the actual ‘problem’ was Mario dressed in Nazi paraphernalia or something. Left field answer and so forth. But no, the only problem is the fact that Gita needs to learn to Git Gud (TM) with her puzzles and stop playing them on easy mode.


No, not even close - I have thousands that HAS seen the table. I just have a few paltry hundred that still haven’t been been played yet.

I have about $700 of Warhammer minis that have never actually seen a tabletop... welcome to the hobby!

That’s horrible... Nekopara you say? Well it’s goos I know that kind of game exists now! SO I can avoid it I mean!

“How to get your ass shot - a primer”

BACK IN MY DAY... We didn’t “stack” cards - we LIFO’d them! And we had mono artifacts! And we had bullshit powerful cards that you just accepted existed. Why, I remember when the best card to have was Dark Ritual or Terror! None of these new-fangled planeswalkers and mechanic changers and dual cards that all the