
Oh good, now I can accurately create my awesome creation: Original, the Character (DO NOT STEAL).

And then have someone draw porn of it.

(not my jokes, stolen from the internets, just like everything else these days)

It doesn’t feel complete without the stupid ren-fair accent.

I don’t doubt this - we have a few in my hometown that have good reviews

“I hate talking negatively of a company that clearly, clearly put a lot of work into this project.”

I dunno, from both yours and Jason’s descriptions, it sounds like they really DIDN’T, but still charged $48 a head for it. If myself and 3 friends were to pay that much, but only one or two of us could work on it at

Marshadow = portmanteau of Marshmallow and Shadow?

“I’m going to buy a Bengal tiger if I win!”
“I’m going to get my own private helicopter to fly!”
“Well I’M going to get a Viper!”
“Jesus man, are you nuts? Why would you risk your life that way?”

I think the assumption is the salt and butter - my dog’s favorite treat (and I mean he sits patiently at the popcorn popper and then runs through every trick he has ever been taught in rapid succession favorite) is freshly-popped corn. I set aside a handful or so for him and salt the remainder for my wife and I. He

What if he is actually a tiny giant?

My wife is a rabid classic Sonic fan, and I literally came here because of your first pic - any other cool Sonic stuff in the works that I should be on the lookout for?

Is that like being a Toy Poodle? Is Fahey actually a very tiny person?

I do? Aw thanks! That means I teally have talent for it.

“Evil corporate monster gaming store rips off innocent poor* person on Valentines’ Day just so he can afford to buy wife dinner at Olive Garden.”

Nice, except they have the tags on backwards - the paper to the back should be the correct one.

Robotech. I know it was originally Macross but give credit to us almost-middle-aged guys where it is due - that’s Robotech.

Pirates manage to get a copy and leak it online in 3... 2...

You should check out GW’s video on their recycling program on It is a pretty good look at how they manage their various recycling bins at the HQ, even if someone made a ton of mistakes and put stuff where it didn’t belong.

I’m not 100% convinced Illusion knows how boobs work

Thanks for poisoning the well!

Had it been me responding, it would have gone something like this:

“While the DoE also enjoys sci-fi shows, such as Stranger Things, we certainly do not condone nor engage in any “fringe” science, such as parallel universes, other dimensions, or dealing with Gorblaxian Revolution on Trigal VII.”

An hour later I would
