
When will Kotaku ban this kind of racist homophobic sexist hate speech from its website? Mlyargist pig.

It’s a fair reasoning as to why Chinese language support is a good idea, but the point of the removed mod was the pirated copy link - the player response was pretty shitty.

“We like this game, but they removed a mod that allowed people to obtain a pirated copy, and therefore we are going to ruin its reputation” is

“Harley Quinn to the rescue”

Nothing says “strong female role model” like a sociopathic bloodthirsty murderer

Spirited Away is on the list! 1/25. The rest are art fucker garbage.

You’ve earned your star

The Hello Kitty marine moved swiftly - unerringly. He squeezed the trigger on his chainsword, roaring it to life. It swung with incredible grace for such a fearsome weapon, and cleaved the inquisitor in twain. Gore splattered the walls as the weapon screeched to silence.

He stared at his two fallen comrades, just as

Needs more grimdark...

The shot rang out and struck Rainbow Dash in the leg. Glitter and frosting oozed out of the wound, leaving a colorful and macabre trail and she dragged herself behind cover.

Fluttershy was waiting for her.

Dash swallowed hard. “This won’t end” she stammered. “This won’t bring him back. This

Egregious use of puns. Banned from the internet for 48 hours.

Counterpoint: Rage really wasn’t that good.

I did play it twice though, and I’ll explain why alongside my rebuff.

tl;dr internet version: You’re wrong, you’re a <insert terrible insult here> and I hope you die of <insert popular disease>

Alrighty, let’s begin...

Rage was created by 4 different people, each with a strange

Ok, you’re going to have to try a lot harder to convince me there’s a unit of distance called a ‘kill o meter’

Technically this already exists - you just have to change the filter. But I agree - some sort of scoring breakdown is needed. Graph the scores over the life of the game, show where variations versions fit in (maybe even patches). Basically make the entire thing a data miner’s dream.

... then find a simple way to show a

I wouldn’t be surprised if this occurs in the future, though the logistics are probably more complex than we currently understand. Kickstarter doesn’t handle keys directly - usually humble or another service is used as an intermediary. There are also some edge cases to worry about - folks who separate their Steam and

Given how Valve has gotten a lot of criticism in the past for their use of aggregate algorithms, they probably wanted a more transparent method. Also your suggestion doesn’t take into account the point of the new filtering system.

It’s not a terrible suggestion, but it isn’t going to be solved simply.

How, though? - and if a developer is willing to be dishonest with reviews, who is to say they’ll be dishonest with claimed kickstarter keys?

So there are 3 main lines we’re talking about here:

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar (the relaunched fantasy line dealing with the aftermath of Chaos’s destruction of the world and the alliances of Order, Death, Chaos, and Destructions’ attempts to retake the 8 realms as their own).

Warhammer 40,000 - The setting THIS video is

There are NO unpainted land raiders... EVER. Anyone who suspects they have seen any unpainted vehicles or space marine should report to their commissar immediately.


Tricked into being elsewhere - Horus knew the incredible number of Ultramarines would tip the scales too far into the loyalists favor, and made sure he and his legion were busy at the time of the Drop Site Massacre.

She has the colors of a Death Cult Assassin

It’s good to know that the sale to Univision hasn’t ruined the shitty clickbait nature of the site.